At the pefect place

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Kaitlyn's Pov ;

I was fresh out of the shower. I dried of quickly. And dried my hair off a bit with a towel. I grabbed my bra and matching panties. I don't think we're going some wear fancy so I put on red jeans with a white crop to match.

I did my hair in a pony tail. I didn't want to get to dressed up or have my hair to fancy either. For my makeup I put masscarra and red lipstick. I was ready I just needed to put on my boots. I opened the door and John mouth dropped opened. I just smiled. "Johnny boy you like what you see." I said with a laugh and doing a pose. "Yeah." He said still in aww. He was dressed casually too.

"You look amazing. You look even more beautiful, with out those tears streaming down your face and the look of misery in your eye. And it's a good thing you smiling now because I hate to see you sad and angry. Dolph's not worth it and never was you need a guy that will treat you right and never cheat on you no matter what." John said pulling me into a hug. "I know." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Then I noticed he was blushing after. "John are you blushing." I said. "Pff, nope my cheeks get red when it gets hot and it's very hot in here." he said. "Ohh yeah, by the way we have the AC on and it's only 75 degrees out side." I said. "Well I wasn't blushing guys don't blush that's a girl thing." He said. " Sure whatever you say." I said. He came up to me and kissed my cheek I tried to hide the fact I was blushing too. So I put on my boot so he couldn't see me blushing. " Lets go" I said with a slight smile . We walked out of the hotel room.

"So where are you taking me?" I said, starting a conversation in the car. "You'll see when we get there." He said. "Pleasezz, tell me." I said in a childish tone. "Not gonna work Kaitlyn." He said with laughter.

John's Pov;

We arrived there 30 minutes later. We were here at the bowling alley. I knew Kaitlyn loved to go bowling. She use to tell me how she would always come here when she was a kid and how bad she wanted to come here . And I just thought it was perfect way to get here mind off of things. She saw this building and smiled widely. "You remembered.." She said. "Of course!" We walked up to the bowling alley and I opened the door for her. I payed for the admission and we went to go get are shoes.

"What size for you mam?" The girl asked Kaitlyn. "Size 6." Kaitlyn said. The lady searched for a size 6 shoe and she found them. "The last pair of size 6 your lucky." She said with a smile handing the shoes to Kaitlyn. "And what size do you need ?" She asked me. "Size 12.." I said. She search for size 12 it didn't take her long. "Here you go you, have big feet sir." She said. " I know he really does have big feet that's why he's my big foot." Kaitlyn said laughing.

We got to are bowling lane. I got on one lane she got on the lane. I grabbed a blue bowling ball. And Kaitlyn grabbed a green bowling ball. Kaitlyn went first and she knocked down all ten pins. She got a strike on her first shot. "Good luck John you try to get a strike!" She said. I was kinda nervous I didn't want to make a fool of myself. I really liked Kaitlyn but, I am not good at bowling. At all!

I got my fingers and helt the bowling ball with a tight grip and then let it go. The bowling ball rolled and rolled and rolled right in the gutter. I knocked down zero pin wow... great job John way to impress Kaitlyn. I thought to myself.

Kaitlyn smiled and started laughing she probably thinks I'm a fool. "Go again John." She said. I didn't really pay attention it was my second time and I'm still on my first frame. If I knock down all the pins this time it's a spare. I didn't really pay attention this time. The ball rolled and I got a spare!!!

"Not bad John, I wasn't as good as you when I first went bowling as a kid." Kaitlyn said. That made me smile. "Well, I am pretty good aren't I." I said. " Yeah I do have to admit you are good, but not as good as Celeste Beryl Bonin!" She said. " Well we'll see about that Ms.Bonin!" I said.

(1 hour later)

Me and Kaitlyn were on our last frame this was for the win. Who ever knocked down the most pins wins. Me and Kaitlyn were tied.. Kaitlyn went first she knocked 9 pins down. I went I grabbed the my bowling ball and rolled it with all my might. It rolled it was about to knocked down all ten but then slightly turned. And only knocked down seven. "I won!!!!" Kaitlyn cheered! "And I lost to a beautiful girl." I said. I wasn't really a swore loser. She smiled.

We walked to my Ferrari. I close the door for Kaitlyn and began to drive.
" Thank you John tonight was amazing, it really got my mind off of all the bullshit you know?.." Kaitlyn said. "Your welcome and I know what you mean." I said. "John I love how I can be real around you." She said. "I know me too, most girls act fake around me but no you." I said. "Yeah. I can't believe you remembered what I said about the bowling alley. It was awhile ago.!" She said. "Well when a really important person tells me something I always remember." I said. "Your so sweet John." She said.

We were finally back at my hotel room. Kaitlyn went into the rest room and changed into Pjs. Well she was in there I slipped on my comfortable basketball shorts and an old t-shirt. She came out of the restroom and got on the guest bed that was right next to mine. "Goodnight John." She said. "Goodnight Kaitlyn." I said. Then we both fell asleep.

Kaitlyn's Pov;

John was asleep I pretended I was asleep until he feel asleep. I knew he was asleep I could hear him snoring. I don't no why something was missing Dolph was. Damn, I can't live without him.!!!

I miss him!?.

Dolph's Pov;

I layed in my bed. Missing Kaitlyn curled up in my chest. Her saying, "Goodnight I love you Nick." And me kissing her forehead saying, "Goodnight baby." She always made me smile and made everything right. And I ruined it!!! Now, she's gone she probably move on to John. She been staying with him. And I know he likes her I mean what guy wouldn't she has it all you'd be crazy not to see that.
But, I am determined to get her back. And I will no matter what until my last breath if that's how long it takes.

I miss her!?.


Dose Kaitlyn have feelings for John?

Will Kaitlyn ever get over Dolph?

Will Dolph ever get over Kaitlyn?


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