Chapter One- Vilot's Story

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  It was just a normal day for Vilot in the orphanage, people attacking her, getting yelled at, and then escaping to her room. She was lucky because since her former room mate got adopted she had he room to herself. Vilot got hurt a lot by the so called 'popular girls.' She went up to her room, locked the door, and blasted her music. She put on P!ATD because they seemed to be the only ones that could calm her down. She didn't self harm or anything considering music was her escape, but she did suffer from depression. She was very depressed at this point in time, which made it even better when Ms.Coronal (the head of the orphanage) called for all 11-16 year old's to come down in 20 minutes for an adoption interview. Vilot quickly threw on a Panic! tee shirt and some black skinny jeans. She knew that all of the other kids would look all nice and fancy, but she didn't really care, she basically gave up on being adopted by now. She put one earphone in her ear, and walked out of her room, and down the stairs to the interviewing area. What a surprise, like she thought, everyone had a dress on and looked like a perfect little angel. She sat there patiently, and waited for the people who were adopting to call her in. When they finally did, she couldn't believe who was sitting in front of her... IT WAS BRENDON FREAKING URIE!

Authors note!

Hey guys, so this will be the first book that I stick with until the end! Let me know what characters you want to see come in play, and what events you want to happen. I will most likely be posting every Sunday! Comment and tell me what you want to see!

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