Chapter 9- Let the Adventures Begin!

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I woke up the next morning I woke up, and realized that I was the first one up, so I decided to make breakfast for everyone. I looked in the cubords and found some pancake mix, so I made some pancakes and bacon. A short while later Phil was the next one up.

"Morning Phil," I smiled at him.

"Morning Violet, smells good," He commented.

"Thanks, I'm just about to make some coffee, and then everything will be done!"

Phil nodded in responce, so I started to make the coffee. Soon enough, everyone was awake and downstair, and we all sat down to eat. Everyone commented and said how good my cooking was, and I thanked them.

"So, today I was thinking we could all go to the beach?" Brendon, or Dad suggested

Everyone thought it sounded like a good idea, so we all finished up, and went to get changed. I got changed into my swims suit, (picture above) and packed a bag including a towel, my phone, and some sunglasses. After that, I went downstairs, did the dishes from breakfast, and then just waited for everyone else to come downstairs. Once everyone was good to go, we piled into the car, and headed for the beach. (They live in Cali for anyone who was wondering)

~Time skip to the beach~

Once we got to the beach, I found a nice spot, and I just layed out and tanned. Well, I was planning to anyway. That lasted about 5 minutes before Dan ran up to me and dumped a huge bucket of water on me.

"You're gonna pag for that Howell!" I exclaimed.

He started laughing, so I took that as my chance to run up, and tackle him. Now, I'm not that strong, so he did the flip move, so now I was the one pinned on the sand. Though, something happened, rather than us contuning to fight, we just layed there staring into each others eyes. Me staring into his deep brown eyes, and him staring right back into my crystel blue ones. After a couple minutes of just staying there like that, we slowly started to lean in, and eventually there was no space between our lips. The kiss felt like sparks, and lasted for a good 5 seconds before there was now water dumped on both of us. We both looked up to find the culprit... my DAD! At that point we both got up and started chasing him around the beach. We did that until it got dark out, and then we pulled out blankets, and just sat on the beach, me cuddled into Dans chest. Everything was perfect right now. Right now...

Authors Note!

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I'm almost out of school, so updates will be more frquent! So, what do you guys think, Violet and Dan? Let me know in the comments, and tell me what their shpp name would be! Don't forget to comment and vote, and i'll see you guys next update!

Peace out Aliean Squad <3

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