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Welcome to my Artbook!
The beginning of this book has artwork from around March of 2016. All of the art in this book is mine, unless stated otherwise. I would also like to point out a little bit about me before you jump to conclusions, or comment.

1.) I am only a 14 year old. All of these drawings have been made while I am 14 and 15.
2.) my name is Alex
3.) I am a very open person. Please come and talk to me if you would like to discuss are trades, requests, and/or character swaps. You can also talk to me about personal things, I'm always here to listen.
4.) I love hearing advice from people. Please comment about things you do/don't like about my art. I will most likely respond and take your comment to heart. I am only 14/15, so I am trying my best to improve.

That's all!!!
Thank you!!
Enjoy my art!

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