Trouble Is Near

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To be continued....
Blossom pov.

"Alright kitties, we don't wanna hurt ya just want some pussy thats all." The man in the front of the group said.
I clenched my teeth in anger, those bastards!

Buttercup glared and charged at them without a word. They didn't move alot  just knocked her out with one hand. How is that even possible?!!

W-wh-who are they?!!!

(Yes, in this story the boys and girls don't have powers)

Butch looked dead in the eyes and also charged at them, but this time one of them grabbed him by the neck. We all gasped in horror and hatred.

"Let my brother go now you assholes!!" Brick yelled.

Brick and Boomer then kicked the man's stomach hard, making him gagg. Which made the man in front really angry.

"YOU STUPID LITTLE KIDS, I'M GONNA KILL YOU, DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO WE ARE!" He kicked Brick and Boomer to the ground over and over again.

I couldn't move, all my friends were being attacked by this gang. Bubbles crying scared, Buttercup out cold, Butch trying to breath, and Brick & Boomer getting beaten down.

This is just like before... me just standing and just watching the horror in front of me....just doing nothing... I didn't change at all... I can still hear her cries...

I fell on my knees crying of that reminder from my memory.

"Please spar us! Please don't hurt us, thats all we ask!!!" I shouted at them pleaded for hope and escape.

"Hahaha no way girly, instead of getting laid I think we should kill you guys for showing such disrespect to my boys and I." The leader said with a laugh.

I was speechless... scared... helpless... hopeless...

Please save us... please come back...

"Time to die kitties by our swords!!" The leader took out his sword moving closer to us. I cried more and more in defeat, we need a miracle right now.

We all lost hope until I saw a dark figure on top of a building near us. It jumped down off the building to us, now in between my friends & I and the gang of men.

It was a girl with long black hair, a school girl unifrom, and cold black eyes.

Who is she?

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