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They didn't meet up immediately after school, they weren't idiots. 

They first lost any tails, checked around for Korosensei, and departed to arrive at Akakai's Icecream at 1500. 

The two walked up to the counter. The young man working behind the counter blinked at the two. 

"I'll have the blonde Sunday." Rio said. The man nodded.

"Strawberry, two scoops." Karma said.

"That's an irony." Rio teased.

"And you choose a 'blonde Sunday.'" Karma shot back. 


The man behind the counter smirked. "Are you two together?"

"We're just friends." 

"Although the option is still open." Karma said, dodging a frustrated swat from Rio. The blond rolled her eyes as the redhead gave an innocent looking expression. 

The icecream was quite good, and both Sunday and ice cream cone was enjoyed.

A table in the back, away from the windows was chosen. 

The two bantered, interspersed with gossip. 

At 1600, they split up. 

They had carefully constructed plans to embarrass Nagisa and Kayano the whole week, possible ideas to research of ways to kill Korosensei, and were set to meet up in two weeks.

Rio walked away with a spring in her step, and Karma with a small genuine smile on his face.

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