7. The fight

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Edard ran at me super fast, I screeched scaredly. suddenly jake ran in front of me and tackled him!!! they fell on the ground yelling and fighting, I started to cry, "stop...pls...!!!.." they kept fighting, edwad suddenly bit Jake, he cried loudly. "STOP!!!" i yelled and shoved them apart, i glared at Edmard. "DON'T TOUCH HIM EDWIRD.. I'm not with u anymore... I'm with jake now!!"

"NO!!" edward bellowed, "you can't be. your mine, Bella, that's FINAL... i have loved u for a thousand years.. u can't leafe me." "well too late," I sad madly, "i don't love u anymore...it's over."

edfard started to cry, I didn't care. "jake are u ok????!" I roared, he was bleeding everwhere, "I'm fine "he said depressingly, I knew he was lying. suddenly I realized... he'd been bitten be a vampire!! that made him.. A VALPIRE WOLF.

"your disgusting!" I yelled at edseard, "I hate u. get away from us, we're trough!!!"

"no pls babe," he cried, "pls, I can make it up to u...just don't stay with him, u know u love me, not him."

"ur wrong, i love jake. I'm living with him now in his Mansion, he loves me & he's going to raise my babies..."

"wait!!!.." shouted Edsard confusedly, "did u just say babies????"

"yes," I snapped beutifully, "well guess what, u didn't want my baby so now I'm pregnant with yours AND jake's babies...we're raising them together...u don't have a part in this. we're done adward. goodbye."

we walked into the house, jake was bleeding. we closed the door. "jake are you ok!!!!" I yelled, I was terrefied.

he moaned, he was in pain and throwing up, I took him to the bathroom and put him in the tub, I filled it of hot water. it turned red bc of the blood. jake's eyes were red, I started to cry... he's turning... I was so scared. "jake baby.. it's gonna be ok you'll be fine. I'm right here."

suddenly his eyes were red, he sat up. "who are you??" he growled angerly.

"it's me jake, i'm ur girlfriend remember????" i yelled scaredly, he pinned me against the wall, "YOU'RE LYING, I'VE NEVER EVEN MET U BEFORE." I realized... he didn't recognize me... he had turned into a vampire!!!!!!

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