10. One more time

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This chapter sucks but I had to update.


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Third person

"Fuck." Odell whispered as he leaned over the trashcan. It was halftime in game five. The New York Giants versus The New Orleans Saints. A game Beckham was most excited for, he was playing against his home team. Off the field every guy on the Saints showed Odell love, most of them remembering him from their LSU days. But on the field all that love went out the window.

"Just take a deep breath for me." The medical attendant said rubbing his back.

Odell was flying down the field on the way to make a touchdown when he was speared from the back by the defensive teams tight end, Richard Bucksmen. Despite the hard the blow, the impact sent Odell and the ball right into the end zone, pushing the Giants to a six point lead in the second quarter.

"He just knocked the wind outta you. You'll be fine rookie." Ben said as he patted his shoulder. "We got two more quarters you think you can make it?"

Odell nodded with a pale face. "Yeah I'm good. I just shouldn't have ate before a game."

Ben laughed. "You ever heard people say "don't eat before you go on the rides at the fair?" He nodded. "That shits real. You eat before a game, you get to rolling around or get hit real hard... You'll have everything you ate for breakfast right in front of ya." He rubbed his head. "You'll be alright, get this gentleman some water. I don't need him playing dehydrated on my field." Ben rushed out of the locker and headed back to the sidelines where the rest of the players were.

"I'll get you the water sir, just have a seat." The attendant ran out following behind Ben.

Odell looked around and listened for any footsteps before lifting up his jersey. "Shit." The bruising on his side was worse tenfold. He lied about eating before the game, he'd been playing sports long enough not to do that. When Richard hit him he landed down on his side, the pain was so bad it made him throw up instantly. The ref let the last ten seconds left on the clock run out so the game could go into halftime. "I should've just listened to Jade."

"No you shouldn't have. She doesn't need to help you."

Odell looked up slowly to see Alexis in his view. "What you doing here? Don't you got something better to do then pop up randomly?" He held his side and took a deep breath feeling for any pokes like Jade showed him. A broken rib wasn't an option at the moment.

"Psht... Yeah right. All I do is watch you. There's nothing better than that." She sat next to him on the bench in the middle of the room and played in his hair. "You don't look so good."

"Yeah well if you watch me so much you'd know why."

"Don't be so rude. I'm just making conversation." She studied his face. "Why don't you tell the guy that was just in here that you're hurt?"

"Because he'll tell coach and then coach will bench me for sure. It's in the rule book: "any known injury of an NFL official player must take medical percussion immediately, blah blah, sit out games till healed, yada yada, can't play till coach signs off on it." So basically I'm not saying shit."

"But what if it gets worse?"

"I'll tell Jade to help. I promised her I'd tell a doctor next time but-"

"Go tell a doctor. You don't need some girl playing nurse with you."

Odell was about to respond when the attendant ran back in the room.

"Sorry I took so long everyone was pulling me every which way on my way here."

Odell looked over and Alexis was gone. "It's cool man, I understand. Thanks for the water?" He cracked the top and chugged it down.

"You lucky I'm even here. I'm trynna star over with you but you're giving me more and more reasons to stop fuckin with you all together."

They looked at each other and ran to the doorway to see what was going on.

"Baby you need to stop trippin! I ain't do shit. You always buggin out." Odell peeked around the corner to see Jade and David.

"You didn't do anything? You in all these girls faces laughing and keekeeing like I'm not standing right here! As soon as the whistle blew for halftime here yo thirsty ass go running right to go em. This is why I don't trust your thot ass." Jade stormed off in their direction.

"Go, go, go." Odell whispered to the attendant and they rushed back in the room. Odell watched an angry Jade rush pass the locker room door. He fixed his helmet hair and straightened his jersey out before running behind her. "Hey Jade."

She stopped walking to turn around. Her angry expression faded at the sight of him. "Hi Beckham."

"What you doing here?" Odell asked playing dumb. He came up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist in a hug. "I came to support David since it's another home game, but he's been pissing me off since I got here." Jade looked over his shoulder to see David watching them from down the hall.

"Don't mind him. You can hang with me."

She laughed. "How am I gonna hang out with you and you're gonna be on the field?"

"Well I'm probably gonna sit out in the next quarter to catch a break. I can get you an all access pass so you don't have to sit in the stands like a regular fan."

Jade squinted. "Why are you being so nice to me Beckham?"

"You helped me out. Why wouldn't I be nice to you?" She smirked. "But before we go out there can you look at my side again?" Jade rolled her eyes. "Uughhh! I told you next time to go to an actual doctor, you pinky promised me and everything." She started to walk off. He grabbed her waist and walked her into the locker room so no one would hear.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry I just need to finish this game and I'll go and get it checked out."

She scuffed. "Fine. But I want something in return." Odell nodded quickly. "Anything."

"After the game I want you to take me to Jersey and Paula's. I wanna steak and cheese-"

"On sourdough, toasted, Swiss and Cheddar, extra mayo, and spicy mustard, with fries. You can have all the diet pepsi you want."

She unfolded her arms. "How'd you remember that?"

"I'm like an elephant I never forget. Now will you look at my side? Please?"

Jade pulled him close. "This is the last time."

David took his back from the wall as a crooked smile formed in his face. "So rookie hurry huh? I know what'll make him feel better."


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