I - Percy gets recruited for yet another quest

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Heyyy. After about 2 years, I'm back. Sorry for everyone who was waiting for a new chapter, but I'm gonna plan to rewrite all of this so I can get it on the write kind of level that I want.

Just a warning, I am currently in my last year of highschool, so it's pretty hectic, meaning updates might not be reliable xx

The Underworld was a dangerous place filled with dangerous creatures. Demigods and Gods often steered clear of the Realm of Hades, due to how dangerous it was.

And yes, the underworld itself was dangerous. With its vicious guards, one of which was a three-headed dog that chased after red balls, alluring gardens that would trap you forever, and even scarier, Smelly Gabe. Oh yeah, Hades was there too.

But the scariest thing of all was not an it, but a who. And even worse, not a singular who, but multiple who's.

For deep in the underworld, resided three ladies. At first glance, they wouldn't seem too dangerous. Just your typical bridge-club Granny's, who would come to your house with food that you had to pretend to like.

But if you looked deeper, and actually had a sense of self-preservation, you would notice that a powerful aura hung around them. It was an ancient one, and clearly gave off the sense of something that shouldn't be messed with.

The majority of the world believed that these ladies were just myths. Make-believe stories to make yourself feel better about something awful happening. And to mortals, perhaps this was all they were. Make-believe stories, to make yourself feel good.

But to a small part of the world, these women were very real, and very important. They were powerful deities not to be ignored and angering them would result in severe consequences.

For these three old ladies weren't your typical Granny's who played bridge-club. Maybe they did play bridge-club, we'll never know. But no, these old ladies were very important, although they didn't look it.

Which was common in the world of Greek mythology. In fact, these three old ladies were the Moirai, or, as they're more commonly known as; the Fates.

The Fates were responsible for pretty much everything that happened in the world, good and bad? Your mother dies? The fates. A global pandemic rips through the world and puts multiple countries in lockdown? You betcha.

So, these old ladies were in fact very important, and it was recommended that you didn't mess with them, as they could seriously fuck you up.

So, these old ladies were extremely important. Like, on a scale from Donald Trump to Albert Einstein, the old ladies were like 10 times more important than Albert Einstein.

So, as is the case with most important and influential people, it was recommended that you didn't mess with the fates.

Because, the fates may look old, but they could seriously fuck up your life.

They could easily slip in an accidental serial killer who mysteriously targets everyone in your family but you. What's a little more death after all? Hades complaints didn't matter.

The three women looked fairly stereotypical at the moment. Because, they were knitting some very important clothing.

The woman in the middle sat with a large pile of sea green yarn. She also had a very exasperated expression on her face. To the left of her, a scowling woman held scissors, and her fingers kept twitching as if to cut the yarn. Finally, to the right of the woman in the middle, another woman sat knitting some kind of warped article, made out of the sea-green yarn.

This article had intertwining's of grey occasionally. In several spots, the yarn seemed to almost fray, before the grey yarn would twist around it, holding the yarn together. In some instances, other colours replaced the grey, but the main colour apart from sea-green, was grey.

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