Best Way to a Man's Heart- Darry

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Thump, thump, thump.

It's too early on a Saturday morning for there to be knocking at your door.

Thump, thump.

And yet it persists. Loudly.

Thump, thump, thump.

You sit up in bed with a groan, realizing it's not going to go away. Finally, deciding to get up, you take the bonnet off your head and pull on a robe.

You stomp out of your room, grumbling all the way to the front door, before thrusting it open and letting out an exasperated, "Can I help you?"

A young man stands before you, looking taken aback by your opening outburst.

"I'm here for your appointment."

"Appointment?" you ask, furrowing your eyebrows and pulling your robe tighter around yourself.

The robe your mother gave you...

Your mother...

The realization comes crashing down on you.

Your mother would be coming into Tulsa today to visit you. The same mother who constantly nitpicked and nagged about things being out of place or amiss...Like a certain leaky roof.

You had a roofing appointment...and totally forgot about it.

You compose yourself quickly, letting the shocked expression melt off your face.

"Um...right. I'll show you where the problem is."

As you lead the man into your one-story house, the embarrassment has time to settle in. Not only did you start off your exchange rudely, but you also look a mess. You haven't brushed your teeth or undone your twists. Showered even. A whole hot mess.

Not to mention the fact that the repair guy is not too bad on the eyes.

You stop in the middle of the living room. You have a pot there, balanced on a step stool, to catch the dripping water. The man- Darry, his work shirt reads- glances at the ceiling.

"It's been doing that for the past week," you inform. "The first storm we get in forever and it gets my roof going."

He nods, absentmindedly, still focused on the ceiling. Then, as if snapped out of his daze, he turns to you. "Well, I'll go out and get my guys on your roof, and we'll see what's the problem.

"Alright," you reply, having trouble finding words when you take notice of his nice eyes. You hope you're not moving your mouth aimlessly, like a fish, or worse, breathing with your morning breath too deeply. You take a small, discreet step back. "Um, will you need anything? I have to," Shower, you think to yourself, "take care of some things inside."

"Nah, we shouldn't."

"Okay then."


"Debbie, I want to die."

Your friend cackles on the other end of the line, having just heard about your encounter with the roofing guy.

"It's not that bad. He probably didn't even notice."

You sit on your bed in your towel, pressing the phone between your ear and shoulder blade as you take of your shower bonnet. You begin to undo the twists in your hair, rubbing a little oil on the newly defined curls.

"Girl, and he was kinda fine too."


"Yeah. Kinda thick and buff. Nice eyes."

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