Chapter 4

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Nice going me. What the hell did I get myself in to? All this shit I'm in is from the choices I made before. What the hell was I thinking? I don't even know exactly what I've done and where they are so how do they expect me to erase all of their information. If I'm unknown to everything and myself.

Right now Im pacing in the room that I woke up in. Still unknown of the location that I'm currently in. Life literally sucks for me. I really need to know who I am. I want to be able to remember how I got in this mess. I want to be able to remember what my name is. For Gods sakes! I want to remember what vagina I exited from. Something that connects me to my life.

All these endless possibilities are killing me inside. Never knowing. Always getting the feeling that I'm never going to know.

I finally sit down, taking everything in. Everything that happened today needs to be absorbed. I need to take this all in before I figure out what I'm going to do next.

I take deep breaths, trying to calm down. By the time I finally calm down someone opens the door. Its the curly headed boy. The cute guy. He walks in the room and stares at me.

"Can I help you?" I snap. Getting annoyed that his eyes never left my face.

"What it sweetheart," His thick accent snaps back. "or I'm not going to take it easy on you."

"Take what easy?" I reply. Once again confused on what's going on here.

"Since you apparently don't know what's going on since you lost your memory when I hit you--"

"Whoa, wait! You hit me?" asked getting angry.

"Don't get too surprised babe, under these really really good looks is a guy with no mercy when it comes to my job."

"Your so narcissistic." I state, rolling my eyes.

"What?" He asked. I obviously confused him with my choice of vocabulary.

I got up and walked over to him. "You should of stayed in school." I scoffed.

That's when he grabbed me and pinned me up against the wall, also very quickly, whipping out his gun and putting against my stomach.

I squirmed. But nothing helped. He was way to strong for me.

"You see this," He said, pointing out my weakness against him. "This is why I'm with you right now. Because you obviously forgot everything they taught you. You forgot how to fight. Everything you learned. I'm here to train you so when you go back in there your ready if something goes wrong. You'd be ready so that nothing would be able to hold you back."

I don't know what came over me. But I kicked him in the balls, kneed him in the stomach and switch the roles so that he was on the wall. His face pressing against it with his arm pinned behind his back. Somewhere in that attack I managed to get his gun. Pressing it against his back. "Like this?" I taunt him smirking.

"Yeah that's good." he said. "But you're missing something."

"Like what?" I ask.

"This." he stated and pulls his hand from my hold. He slaps my hand down and transfers the gun from my hand to his. He grabs me by my shirt and sweeps his leg under mine, causing me to fall. I instinctively grab his shirt pulling him down with me so that we both fell. His weight heavily dropped on my stomach cause me to make an 'oof' sort of noise from the pressure. When I look up at him I see him lifting his head from my chest. His head is now directly above mine, his beautiful bluish green eyes pouring into mine.

He leans down, his eyes never leaving contact of mine. His soft pink lips brushed against mine momentarily and I take a sharp breath in. Waiting for him to do something. But instead he laughs.

"You really thought I was going to kiss you." He chuckles. "Why would I ever waste you time on you."

With that said my heart broke. I'm not sure why it did, but it hurt so bad. As soon as he saw the sad look on my face he walked over to me.

"Don't worry sweetheart," he said with a mocking tone. "one day, you'll fine a guy who is desperate enough to be with you..... If you make it out alive.

And with that he walked out of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2014 ⏰

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