3 - Iwazumi - 3

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Reader's POV -

'The world is beautiful in colour'

I got told that by my parent when I was young. I got told that by my teachers, by a few of my friends. And recently by my best friend Kuro, when he had met his soulmate Eliot a few days ago.

  Everything is black and white to me. Even myself. Some people are lucky and get to see what colour their hair is and what eyes they have etc.

But no, I wasn't apart of that 2% group.

   I got told that my hair is h/c, and that my eyes really brighten my smile being the shade of e/c that they are.

Of course I've never seen these colours- but I can't wait until I do.

   I'm the only one in my group of friends who can't see colour. How sad.
Ah crap. I lost where I was on the page.

I keep scanning, trying to find the line I was on. It was where Noelle meets Craig or somewhere near that.
{it's kind of a funny story reference}

A buzz in my pocket. Thanks phone. I pull it out still sitting comfortably in my seat in the library and looked down to see the message.

Karina - 1:20pm -

Dork, come get your ass here now. We have ten minutes before school ends bro and I wanna go see my BAE!!!

I roll my eyes, but reluctantly get out of my seat to go meet her. Kuro will meet up with us later I'm guessing.

I close my book, the cover black and white with grey lettering. (Kuro was so kind as to label the colours. Scribbling all over it!) I slip it into my bag and head out of the library hearing the loud whining of someone.

"Iwa-Chan cmon lets go!" The same whining ass voice continued. It took me a second to realise it was a guy and by the looks of it he was blocking my way.

Standing in the doorway was none other then Oikawa Tooru. The star of my school - Aoba Johsai.

And from what I know in science class he can be loud and very obnoxious.

I walked up, trying to build my courage, and cleared my throat.

"Whoops!" Oikawa said. He stood to the side and as I looked up-


What? Are those eyes- so sparkling in colour. Vibrant colour.

Hair dark, his uniform is in colour. Everything is in colour. The walls the book in my hands.


His uniform was white and blue. Just like the cover Kuro labelled.

  "Hi." He spoke. His voice so... beautiful.
  "Hi." I replied. He held his hand out as the proud Oikawa watched us.
"Iwazumi Hajime. It's nice to meet you."

"M/n L/n. Nice too meet you too Iwazumi." I couldn't help but smile as I look up at the man who I'd be spending my life with.

"You know something Iwa-chan,"

"The world is beautiful in colour."


Next Chapter -

- Your Idea for a chapter, this can include au's and fluffs limes or angst. If a lot pick I will pick a random idea

- Bokuto Koutarou x Florist! Male reader {fluff}

-Oikawa Tooru x Male reader {angst}

- Daichi Sawamura x Male Reader Collage au! {lime}

Haikyuu x Male Reader DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now