Chapter 6: Is This Love?

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Song of the chapter: Blackbird. Full Glee cast version. NOT performance.



I hadn't seen Kurt since the day we talked.

I sighed as I went to look at my phone to see if I had received a message from him. I decided to text him. Finally.

Hey, you wanna hang out? --Blaine

I got a text back from him ten minutes later.

The Lima Bean. After school. --Kurt

Okay, cool. See you then. --Blaine

What the gel?

Something was wrong. I just knew it.

The rest of the day, throughout school, I worried about Kurt. I had feelings for this boy. But the way he turned from me as I was about to kiss him made me think that he didn't like me in the same way.

School let out and I almost literally ran to my truck and sped off to The Lima Bean.

I parked next to Kurt's truck and darted into the shop. Okay, slower than darted, but faster than walked.

I saw Kurt staring out of the widow at a table to my right. I headed over to him and tried to slowly sit down.

A waitress came over and asked me if I needed anything.

"A medium drip, please."

"Okay. Coming right up."

I turned back to Kurt to see him staring at me. His expression was hard to read. He looked guilty, hurt, sad, angry, and... like a different person. He was still completely cute in his purple button down and white bow tie. He also wore army camo skinny jeans.

How does he manage to pull this off?

"What's up?" I asked simply.

"Blaine, you and I are... friends, right"

Fuck, I've been friend zoned. That's probably why he wanted to talk to me. He knows that I like him more than a friend.

"Yes," I choked out.

"I have to tell you something."

"You can tell me anything."

Now I just sound sad, pathetic, and desperate. Not in that order, specifically.

Kurt took a deep breath and a sip of his coffee before telling me what was on his mind. He told me everything that had been going on in the past three days. I sat there listening, calm and composed.

In my mind, a beast growled angrily.

Karofsky. That bastard tried to hurt Kurt. Someone's about to get their ass kicked.

"He's going to juvenile school for three months but before he gets back, I'm going to transfer."

My heart sank. Kurt was telling me that he was going to go far away. I took a sip of my coffee to hide my sadness.

"I'm going to transfer to Dalton."

I snapped my head up and was immediately filled with joy. I spread a goofy grin across my face as my heart lept in my chest. An ease of happiness flipped in my stomach.

"Blaine?" Kurt blushed. He was looking so very adorable at this very moment in time.

"Yes," I said simply, thinking of a plan to win Kurt over now that I was going to have more time with him. I sighed.

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