The next day

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I walked down the hall into the auditorium and sat down. Damion walked in and said"Zoe I'm sor-"
he was cut off as Autum came in and said "Hey Zoe". Damion looked sad and walked away to sit onto he other side of the auditorium. Autum sat down "are you OK" he asked with a worried face "yes" I said in side I wanted to tell and scream but I stayed quiet.

After lunch I went to sit and draw int he auditorium in free time but Damion came too. He sat down next to me. " Hey" he said I looked at him not happy to see him but I am. " Hey what are you doing here" I asked. He took my hand and said " I'm sorry I don't know what happened and I am dieing to know if I hurt you"

"You fine" I said not thinking and my head down i did not want him to know what he did.

"You seen upset and the color franked from your eyes" he took my hand. I pulled away, got up and walked to the rows behind. He saw something but sat down.

Later that day I was in the library and surprise surprise so was Autum and Damian watching me from the two balconies. Autum saw Damian and walked over.

"You know how badly hurt she is from you!" He said he smile faded.

"No she said she was fine" Damian look at me.

"You are wrong she has a black eye, scrapes, stitches, and a big cut down her back" Autum walked away and out he doors.

Damian ran down the stairs and took my face pulled it to be seeable and the kissed me. Autum walked in to watch his freck out but when he saw what Damian did he was not happy.

"You should have told me what I did" Damian sounded upset as he sat down. I sat there in shock.

"I did not want you to worried about me I am fine and I'll live" I smiled and stood up ready to leave but Damion would not let me. He took my hand and pulled me up the stairs, then to the far back corner. Autum followed.

"I know your secret and you can show me" he said and I look shocked then...

"OK but you can't tell a single soul it's a secret for a reason" I said the a orange, pink, blue, and black tornado went around me and I was a human.

"Your so cute" he said then "will you go out with me!" He smiled.

"Duh" I said. He took my waist and kissed me it felt good but what about Autum.

Zoophobia zoe's story (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now