Kiko (in honour of Wires and Nerve)

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Oh, Stars help me.
I hate that girl... android... thing. Well, hate is a strong word- but she's so annoying!
I... dislike her? No. That's not right.
She's not my favourite person, to say the least... after all, she's not actually a person.

I need to ask Selene (or Cinder, as she likes to be called) to assign me a job as far away as possible from Iko as possible.
She always giggles and talks about her 'OTP.' Or OTPs... she has way too many.
*rolls eyes.
She always complains about not being able to eat food.
She always asks if she can re-do my hair... now, that really gets to me.
I mean... come on! My hair is the bomb!
...but I don't care what she thinks of me. Why would I?

I mean, it's not like she likes me much either. I suppose I would like her better if she didn't panic and look away whenever I came into a room. Am I that ugly?!
Not that it bothers me...
Damn it. It totally bothers me.
Why am I so bothered by an android?
Well, an android with human feelings and impeccable fashion taste (if I must say so myself.)
She's still annoying. But I guess she makes me laugh when her Majesty  is in a long meeting.
Maybe she's not so bad.
HAHA. Okay, Kinney- I think it's time to cut off the coffee.

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