You Promised me

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She told him everything. That she could remember anyway. He listened, from beginning to end, his face didn't screw up or look confused. He just sat quietly, taking in every word. She told him about the countless deaths she witnessed and the countless grievers she ran from. The only thing she missed out was that she couldn't remember anything about her 'past life'. She rounded it up and then sat quietly. Thomas lay back, his elbows propping him up, almost sunbathing, he was still looking at her though, his eyes partially closed due to the sun. 

"You're a very brave girl." He says casually. Teresa forces a smile. She has never felt less brave in her life (that she can remember). 

"Thanks." She manages to say. Thomas smiles.

"If I had such an exciting, heroic life like yours, I would tell everyone." He adds shutting his eyes. Teresa rubbed her forehead. 

"You look like the type of person to have an interesting life, what was your childhood like?" He asks startling Teresa. 

"I don't really want to talk about my childhood." Teresa lied, Thomas seemed to look sad at this.

"You didn't have any friends you could tell me about?" He adds, Teresa tilts her head slightly in confusion. What is he talking about?  

"No." She answers with. Thomas looks back at the bike and then sits up. 

"I think we should head back." He says walking quickly over to the bike and jumping on. Teresa scrambles up and jumps on. She only just gets on when Thomas speeds off, she leans forward, holding onto him for dear life. She tries to shout but their speed is causing her to suffocate if she opens her mouth. His body was tensed, it was evident as his arm and back muscles were larger. 

They were back at the opening in around 30 seconds. Thomas drove down into the car 'shed' and jumped of the bike instantly, he turned round.

He was angry, Teresa noticed that instantly. 

"I need to get to him." Thomas says, his face tilted downwards, Teresa stepped back. 

"Who?" She stuttered, watching as his eyebrows furrow, he ignored her and stormed out of the room. Teresa followed, they charged through the dome, Thomas ran into a room Teresa didn't recognise and ran straight towards someone, pinning them to the wall at such a force, Teresa almost heard the crack of their back. The outcry told Teresa who Thomas had pinned before she was able to see. Tiger. 

"You promised me!" Thomas yelled, throwing Tiger to the ground, Tiger tried to crawl to the door, towards Teresa standing in utter shock but the hand on his collar dragged him back. 

"I don't think so." Thomas spat, turning Tiger around to face him. Thomas wasn't just angry, he was distraught. What does he mean you promised me? Teresa says to herself. 

"What's going on?" Teresa shouts, her voice steady and loud. Thomas looks up, he was shaking slightly. 

"I didn't know, if I did I would have told you." He whimpers, his voice was different; the voice of a confused, fragile boy. Teresa's head spun, she held onto the door frame. She didn't like being left in the dark, and that's what seems to have happened.

She heard a punch as blood stained Tiger's cupids bow, running down the small lines on his dry lips like the raindrops on a car window.

"We made a deal Tiger." Thomas hissed in the boys ear, trying to conceal it from Teresa. Tiger looked behind Teresa just as heavy footsteps came down the hall, Teresa didn't dare look to who was approaching them. Thomas looked even angrier. 

"I see you found out we broke the deal Mr. Briar." He says to Thomas, Teresa has never felt so worried, so shocked and so confused in her life. She slowly turned around to see the tall, grey haired man with the rat like features.

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