admins needed! // RECRUITING

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Hello, we are desperately in search for some talented authors to give great feedbacks to other people's writing! If you think you meet those standards and is interested, we welcome you to join the team!

So here's how it works.

You can apply in the comments section with the following questions. Once you're chosen, you will receive a message from us shortly so please check your inbox. If we don't reply within 2 days, that means you aren't picked. But please don't feel upset at this, you all have great potential of your own but just not quite in the aspect we're looking at.

Anyhow, apply now before we close this opportunity!

To apply and answer the questions, comment here.
1. Your name?
2. Do you write stories?
3. Do you think you are capable of writing feedbacks back to other authors? If so, give a reason as to why.

For any other inquiries or concerns, please leave a comment behind and we'll reply ASAP!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2017 ⏰

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