last chapter.

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Recap; purab is telling that’s as he will get promotion soon and wish to see prags and abhis marriage.. so dadi decided to make their marriage fast…

Da; I decided to make your marriage within two days..
Pr; dadi…
Da; ya pragya.. why we are waiting for…
Bul; ya dadi is right.. abhi feels son thing hidden in pragyas mind..
As everyone leaves.. abhi came to meet pragya…
Ab; fuggi… what happened to you.I knew something is disturbing you at most..
Pragya hugs abhi..
Pr; abhi.. I got call from sidharth..
Ab: sidharth..
Pr; he told that he will never let us to marry..
Ab; how can he talk like that.. why don’t you tell me this..
Pr; abhi.. I can’t lose you now…
Ab; fuggi.. what is this yaar.. why are you So tensed.. do you believe me or not..
Pr; I believe you..
Ab; then I promise you that no one can separate US and this marriage will happen without no problem.. so smile please..
Pragya smiles..
Ab;not this my fuggis cute smile..

Two days goes…
It’s abhigyas marriage day..
Bulbul is making pragya get ready in red and green mixed lehanga..
Purab is helping abhi too.. abhi wears golden and blue sherwani..
Bul; di you look so beautiful today.. I think because of your happiness you look cute.. I don’t knew Bhai can control seeing you like this..
Pragya blushes..
Pu; abhi… you are going to take a huge step in life.. from bachelor to married status.. it’s not simple.. you need to tolerate a lot.. but don’t lose in this war..
Ab; war..
Pu; ya.. now you feel that marriage is simple one.. but for a married person it’s really a war with husband and wife..
Ab; purab.. could you stop this nonsense..
Pu; now you will feel this as nonsense once you get married you will regret for it..
Ab; purab.. don’t compare me with you.. and pragya with bulbul…
Pu; ya.. prags is so innocent and not like you… you are lucky to have in your life..
Sidharth comes there..
Sid; ya he is lucky to have her.. and because of her he is going to die..
Ab; you..

Sidharth takes gun..
Sid; what you think about commissioner you can marry anjali.. no pragya easily.. if I am here it will not happen..
Purab moves towards him..
Sid; purab don’t come between us it will lose your life.. so goodbye Mr. Abhishek.. your countdown starts 3, 2, 1… at that moment purab throw abhis boxing pad on his face which makes sidharth to fall..
Abhi takes his gun…
Pu; poor Sid.. you don’t knew to whom you are playing we knew you will surely come today.. police men came and arrest him..
Ab; I knew you escape from jail.. now you need to stay whole your life there. For escaping trying to murder
Policeman leaves with sidharth..

Pragya sees them and runs to see abhi… and hugs him..
Ab; hey fuggi.. don’t be sad.. nothing happens to. Me..
Pu; prags.. if I am with him nothing will happen na..
Bul; that was my fear..
Pu; what do you mean? Bulbul you always misunderstand me.. do you knew don’t underestimate the power of common man..
Bu: that’s right.. but in case of monkeys it not like that..
Pur; so I am looking like a monkey for you..
Bu; not in looks in behaviour you look like monkey..
Pu; if I am monkey you are gorilla.
Bu; what you call me gorilla.. then you are chimpanzees..
Pr: stop. Stop this fight.. why you both always fight like this..
Bu; this was just our acting to make you both smile..
Pur; so can we move onto mandap..

Abhigya sit in mandap.. they take seven vows.. and abhi make pragya wear mangalsutra and fills her meant with kumkum..
Abhigya take blessing from dadi…
And hugs purbul..
Pu; abhi and prags. Wish you both all the best and happy married life..
Pr; thanks purab..
Pu; so today I am going to Delhi… as I need to join tomorrow itself..
Bu; di.. I am leaving to home.. as my studies get over here..
Ab; so youBoth are leaving us alone here..
Pu; no I have given your hands to prags.. now you got a new company for life long na.. but don’t worry I will come soon to irritate you with my jokes.. and prags we can continue our chitchat through what’s app.. I don’t knew after marriage you got time for that..
Pr: purab..
They all hugs each other.. purbul leaves.

Da; pragya now you go and change this dress.. pragya enters abhis room.. and stands on balcony looking at moon..
Pr; one day that change my life.. the day I met him my life started to reborn again.. and again that one day came.. and I am going to start a new life with him.. the journey of love..
Abhi hugs pragya from her back..
Ab; so fuggi.. you are thinking about me right..
Pr; haa..
Ab; what are you thinking?
Pr; thinking about our journey of love..
Ab; actually that journey not yet started na.. it’s going to start now.. abhi takes pragya in hands..
Pr; abhi what are you doing..
Ab; going to shower my love.. pragya blushes.. episode ends..


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