I Thought It Was Me...- A Jcpenny Fanfic (CHAPTER 25)

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I have a massive headache and it fucking sucks. I'm still not even sure of what happened which pisses me off even more. Like what did I do? Run into a wall or something while chasing Jc so i can have chocolate ice-cream? Oh it doesn't matter anyway. It was probably my fault cause well. I'm very clumsy. As I'm trying to figure out what happened in my head Jc comes in.

"Hey babe, how ya feeling?"

"I have a headache but I will survive."

He shows me a chocolate ice-cream tub. Oh he probably ate it all. Poo Jc.

"This is for you."

"Oh Jc I have been in this house long enough to realize that it is either empty or a prank."

"Here then if you don't believe me."

He opens it up and takes a spoonful of ice-cream. He eats it and nothing bad happens. He gets another spoonful and feeds me it. He 'accidentally' puts some on my nose.


I take the spoon and put some on his cheek. I'm silently hoping that he doesn't put more on my face. Well the lords must have heard me because he didn't.

"Can I get out of bed now?"

"As long as you feel alright."

I slide my covers off me and stand up. I put on my ugg boots and walk out to the kitchen to find some decent food. I turn around the corner and see Connor eating some cookies.

"Hey Connor........omg, no no no."

I see a girl right next to him, hugging him. That girl is Bethany Mota.


I am following Jenn to where ever she is going when she suddenly runs back to my room. I turn around and go into my room. I close the door and sit down next to Jenn. She looks a little a scared, angry and upset all at the same time.

"Babe what is wrong. I don't understand you go out there for 5 seconds and now you're like this. Are you on your period or something?"


I shouldn't have asked.

"Jc Connor was with a girl out there. This girl was hugging him and Connor was hugging her back. Now the girl you ask? Well I know exactly who it is and well we are enemies. Her name is Bethany Mota and she is a beauty guru on YouTube. She has what, almost 5 million subscribers or something. Anyways her and I have a little story. We never told anyone and never spoke again. I will tell the story. So it was about 7 months ago, I think, and i was at the Grove. I was in Sephora and just looking at some lip stick. I liked a colour so I decided to try it. As I was putting it on someone bumped me. That someone was Bethany. I gave her a dirty look. I use a makeup wipe and start to take off the lip stick. as I'm doing that Bethany decides to try a colour of lip stick. Being me I decide to bump her. She puts it all over her face. She gives me a dirty look and draws lip stick all over my face. I grab a lip stick and draw all over her face. Suddenly a worker came over and kicked us both out. We basically looked like we had done the blindfolded makeover challenge. We both agreed to never talk about this and never talk to each other again. Since then we haven't talked and I don't plan to."

Oh god this isn't gonna end well.

Hellooooooooo! Thank y'all so much for 3.7k reads and 200 votes! You guys are cray cray! Anyway I think I'm gonna post twice tomorrow not today. I had a good birthday too, if anyone cares XD

i thought it was me • jcpennyWhere stories live. Discover now