ROSTER 2: 4/02/17-11/02/17

166 11 42

Notice Board:
Both admins are very pleased with all the members as all of you completed the assignment within three hours of it being posted. We hope you'll continue to show such enthusiasm and dedication in all the coming assignments.

And the Book of the Week winner is Girl_full_of_Sarcasm

General Information:

1) You will be required to read and vote on 3 chapters of your partner's story. You also have to give two 2+ lined comments on any of the three chapters.

2) While commenting on your partner's chapter, please begin your comment with #unicorn. This will make checking easier. If you do not do so, you will lose points, your assignment will not be considered valid, and you will get a strike. If you want further explanation, please refer to the FAQs chapter.

3) After completing your assignment, comment #groupname done. Once you do so, an admin will check if you've done your duty. If they respond with a thank you, you're done.

4) Please finish by deadline or you will get a strike.

5) Vote on this chapter to notify us that you've seen it.


#Purple Unicorn

AvalonianTears The Dying Fate

The_Wolf_99 Medium

#White Unicorn

C2believe12 Chosen To Spy By An Old Lady

-BlackSoulRedLips- Make Me

#Grey Unicorn

SAKrishnan To Catch A Thief, Just Break His Heart

CatLover777777 (Reader)

#Black Unicorn

Supernatural_AJ We stepped on Lego

_MeltingSnowflakes_ Wild

#Silver Unicorn

thenovelist1125 Short Faith

Obsidian7 Psychic Wars

#Gold Unicorn

praise0210 Slipped from my fingers

yourfriendbri (Reader)

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