#8 You meet him at a wedding

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this preference put me under so much pressure. I was lazy the whole week and had to do that in two days. I don’t even have school right now but I don’t know why I’m just sooo lazy. Hope you like it though. I’m staying up the whole night so that I can type this in my phone and publish it.

Louis: It is your sisters wedding today and the whole day she has done nothing else than panicking and complaining that everyone is trying to ruin her wedding. You just arrive from the airport because your uni is in another city and have barely arrived when Y/S/N pulls you by your hand to the aisle to practise everything for the last time because you are on of the bridesmaids. You see your old friend who is also a bridesmaid and greet her with a hug. “Y/N stop talking” Y/S/N screeches. You look at her in disbelief and say “Calm down Y/S/N.” “Calm down? How am I supposed to calm down when you aren’t taking my wedding seriously and Louis isn’t here yet?” You look in front of you where two boys are standing in the opposite of the third bridesmaid and Y/F/N and the spot in front of you is empty. “Louis” Y/F/N say and giggles. “Where does he come from? From France?” she says making you smile, knowing what she is up to. Then she starts talking with a french accent. “The bride is so angry because I, Louis, am late.” Both of you start giggling. You put your index finger under your nose pretending it to be a mustache. “I’m Louis from France and Paris is where I live.” Your giggling is interrupted by a manly voice with a British accent. “I actually am from Doncaster and live in London.” You and Y/F/N look up and see nobody else than Louis Tomlinson standing in front of you and eyeing you. Your heart skips a beat and you and Y/F/N shoot each other a glance. You put your hand over your mouth holding in your laughter. “I guess I’m sorry” you say. “But you have to admit it was funny.” A smirk appears on his face. “Louis, where have you been?” Y/S/N almost yells. “Sorry, my flight was delayed.” “Gosh, you should be happy that you came just in time or I would have killed you.” All of you practise the whole thing which you think is unnecessary because it’s just walking down the aisle. “He is looking at you” Y/F/N whispers and  a smile conjures up your face. The whole time you’ve been avoiding his gaze but now you can’t help yourself than look. Louis winks at you when he sees that he has your attention what makes you blush and you bite the inner side of your cheek to prevent a smile. After that Y/S/N hushes you all out to get ready and in that time all of the guests arrive and take their seats. Now you are waiting to walk down the aisle and feel stupid. You stand next to Louis still avoiding his gaze. “Louis from Doncaster would love to get to know you better” Louis whispers in a french accent. Smiling you look at him. He is looking at you with a cheeky grin and sparkling eyes and look forward again. “It could be a date” Louis offers. “I only date french guys” you say what is not true at all. “Then lets make a compromise. Our first date will be in Paris.” Mesmerized you turn your head to him and see that he is being serious. “I hope you’re joking” you say. “I’m not. It can be also some other place. Wherever you want it to be.” You smile and shake your head looking forward again. “Say yes, love.” You blush when he calls you love and bite your lower lip. “What are you thinking? Say yes” Y/F/N says making you jump. Louis grins. “Y/F/N and Louis continue with trying to convince you for a while. “Guys” you interrupt them. “I think I say oui.” You look at Louis who is smirking widely at you making you smile too.

Hary: Weddings should be nice and like a fairytale but this one is not. At least not for you. As is it isn’t bad enough that you barely know anyone your best friend has even dumped you because of nobody else than Harry Styles. She had told you to join them but you don’t want to bother him. As if there aren’t enough girls bothering him wherever he goes he doesn’t need that on a wedding too. You are sitting at an empty table when suddenly Y/F/N appears with Harry. “Hi” you say trying not to stare at him but his adorable dimples and curls and green eyes make it impossible. “Harry this is Y/N” Y/F/N says. “Hello love. I’m Harry.” You bite your lip at the word ‘love’ and your heart melts about how he spells his name. “Mind if we sit?” Harry asks. “Go ahead.” You feel really awkward and only look forward towards the freshly married couple. You feel being watched and turn around just to see Harry looking at you. You give him an awkward smile and he smiles back. Looking away again. “So, Y/N” Harry says after a while and you look up. “How come you are here?” “Y/F/N dragged me here. I somehow only,know her.” “Now you also know Harry Styles” Y/F/N says and Harry smirks. “I would love to be friends with you” he says and you only smile not knowing what to say. “That’ll be great. The amount of people on her friends-list is small” Y/F/N says. You hit her leg with you foot because she makes you sound so pathetic and desperate although you are happy with a small group of friends. She gives you a glare and pouts. It’s time for the bride to throw her bouquet and everyone stands up going front. “You coming Y/N?” Y/F/N asks and you shake your head. “No, thanks. You go, I’m fine.” Y/F/N shrugs and goes to the group of females. “You don’t like weddings?” Harry asks. “Don’t like being in the middle of something. I rather like to watch people being the center of attention.” “Why?” “Feel out of place.” “But it can’t go on like this for forever. Once you have to be in the middle of it. For example this. What when you get married?” Harry asks. “Who says I’m going to get married?” “So, you don’t want to get married?” he asks wide eyed. “No, it’s rather that I can’t see myself being there” you explain. “Seem really antisocial, what?” you ask while looking at the ground. Harry shakes his head. “No, just like a quiet girl who maybe is a little bit afraid to explore the world.” You look up surprised wanting to say something but then a small thing lands on your lap. You look and see the bouquet and hear groans and sighs and then applause. You feel yourself blush and take the bouquet in your hand examining it into detail. “Seems as if you are going to get married” Harry says and you smile. “You know what you need?” Harry asks and you look at him confused. “Someone who shows you that being the center of attention has also its good sides. And I think we can agree when I say that I am quite good in this topic.” You smile. “And how that?” “What if we go out tomorrow and have a coffee together? The rest will come by it’s own.” You think for a moment and want to deny but then you look at the bouquet and think of what Harry has said. You want ti explore the world and this would be a good start. “Okay” you say and smile. Harry smiles too.

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