The Friend

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"I love you" messaged Sharon
"I love you too" was my reply unaware of the fact that getting into this relationship would change my life in the near future. It all happened on Gmail, I was (still am) an introvert and didn't have the courage to say it on her face. But all this happening on gmail still did not stop me from imagining the looks at her face during our entire conversation.

Sharon was in the football team of the school and was the top defender in the team. I still remember the next day in school, I was too scared to go near her and same was the case with her. We both just looked at each other and passed a smile. She had a match that day and therefore had to go.I spent the whole day thinking about her and the next day, it all repeated.

It looked like an infinite loop- I slept by gathering up the courage to talk to Sharon the next day, The in school I just smiled when she looked at me, after being in the class for about 10 minutes she went to a match, Disappointed with myself I came home and slept. This continued for about 15 days and then, the thing happened about which I was scared the most. Her friend Pam told me that Sharon wanted to break up. And without giving it a second thought, I said, "Even I want to" ; so that my puny little ego would not be hurt. Oh but it was hurt... it was hurt so bad. Everything that I thought about relationships, love, etc changed that day. Those 15 days did teach me a lot of things... a lot. And I had some weird afterthoughts during the short period of our relationship and some stupid ones after breaking up.

Note- the thoughts from the next part onwards would be in italics. So don't get confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2017 ⏰

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