Capítulo 64

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 Harry: ya vienen!
Justin: todos a sus puestos!
(Tome mi guitarra, Harry apago la luz y todos nos escondimos; oimos que la puerta se abrio y oimos pasos, en un corto lapso de tiempo se encendio la luz y todos salimos de nuestros escondites y gritamos...)
Todos: SORPRESA!!!!!!!!!!
*narra _____*
(estaba en mi cita con Niall, que estaba perfecta por cierto, luego regresamos a mi casa, todo estaba muy oscuro, entramos, camine hacia el interruptor de la sala, prendi la luz y todos mis amigos salieron gritando...)
Todos: SORPRESA!!!!!!!!!!
(Vi a Justin con una guitarra, el me sonrio y empezo a tocarla luego de unos pocos minutos Justin dijo...)
Justin: esta cancion la escribimos para ustedes (empezo a cantar) people say we shouldn't be together we're to young to know about forever but I say they don't know what they're talk-talk talking about
Harry: cause this love is only getting stronger so I don't wanna wait any longer I just wanna tell the world thar you're mine girl ohhh...
Todos: they don't know about the things we do they don't kknow about the I love you's but I bet you if they only knew they will just be jealous of us they don't know about the up all nights they don't know I've waitting all my life just to find a love that feels this right baby they don't know about they don't know about us (yo miraba a Niall directo a los ojos)
Liam: one touch and I was a believer every kiss it gets a little sweeter it's getting better keeps getting better all the time girl (Niall acintio con la cabeza como dando a entender que eso es cierto)
Todos: they don't know about the things we do they don't know about the I love you's but i bet you if they only knew they will just be jealous of us they don't know about the up all nights they don't know I've waiting all my life just to find a love that feels this right baby they don't know about they don't know about us
Louis: they don't know how special you are they don't know what you've done to my heart but they can say anything that they want cause they don't know about us
Lila: they don't know what we do best that's between me and you our little secret
Zayn: but I wanna tell'em I wanna tell the world that you mine girl
Todos: they don't know about the things we do they don't know about the I love you's but I bet you if they only knew they will just be jealous of us they don't about the up all nights they don't know I've waiting all my life just to find a love that feels this right baby they don't know about they don't know about things we do they don't know about the I love you's but I bet you if they only knew they will just be jealous of us they don't know about the up all nights they don't know I've waiting all my life just to find a love that feels this right...
Lila: baby they don't know about
Harry: they don't know about
Justin: they don't know about us (yo tenia una gran sonrisa)
_____: chicos gracias (dije super emocionada) es una cancion hermosa
Niall: gracias chicos es perfecto
_____: Justin, te quiero presentar a Niall, estamos saliendo otra vez!
Niall: mucho gusto Justin (dijo extendiendole la mano)
Justin: hola (dijo cortante y rechazando su mano)
(Justinsubio enfadado a su habitacion)
_____: Niall, lo lamento tanto
Niall: no te preocupes, tine todo el derecho de estar enojado
_____: si, pero fue algo grosero
Niall: no importa
_____: me disculpas, voy a ir a hablar con el
Niall: ok
(Subi a la habitacion de Justin y el estaba acostado boca abajo abri mas la puerta y me sente a la par de el y acaricie su cabello provocando que el se diera vuelta y me viera...)
_____: que sucede? Por que actuaste asi?
Justin: lo siento muñequita pero desde la ultima vez que lo viste no me agrado
_____: lo se, pero fue un malentendido
Justin: aun asi, no tuvo que tratarte tan mal
_____: si, pero el estaba molesto y ahora esta arrepentido de lo que hizo
Justin: bueno tienes razon, pero igual no me agrada
_____: Justin, por favor, intenta llevarte bien con el, yo lo perdone y tu deberias hacer lo mismo y ademas el es tu fan
Justin: tienes razon, lo intentare!
_____: gracias cariño, te amo!
Justin: yo tambien muñequita!
(Nos abrazamos, despues bajamos a la sala con todos los chicos y...)  

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