Chapter 1

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Mother. I see her as I pack my suitcase with my father for our trip. We are going to Chicago where he has a meeting. Before we are about to leave, I saw my mother standing at a desk. That’s where I forgot my keychain, with her name in it. “Mary.” I wave goodbye to her, as my dad wonders who I am waving to. I have kept this a secret for a long time from my dad. I have this disease where i can see the dead. Today was the day I'd tell him. I look at his face, as if he is waiting for something specific to happen. “Are you alright?” i asked him. “Yeah, I am fine. Don't worry about me.” We are now boarding on the train. After an hour of conversation, I decided to tell him.  “Dad, I want to tell you someth-” “Hold that thought.” He interrupted me as if something was wrong in the back. The next 10 minutes pass by, as my dad is still in the train cart behind us. I take a peak from the other side. “Give us the money, Ali!” said a man who looked like a mobster. There were 3 of them. One of them had a black fedora. Looking at my father’s face, it looked like he knew them very well and felt guilty to put himself at gunpoint. “I'll pay any price...Just don’t lay a hand on my son! He's only 8.” He then saw me. “I see her….I see her too.”  Those were his final words. The bullet flies and the train comes to a sudden stop. I am crying fearfully. I told the police the truth and what was witnessed by a few other passengers on the train. The 3 men were arrested and I was taken back home. From that point, a new guardian came in my life.

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