Lazy ass

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You both walked inside your house the same way you came in. And unsurprisingly Dark was in the same spot watching tv. "Hey are you ever gonna get up off your lazy ass?" Anti said immediately as soon as he saw Dark. ..... please don't argue again. "Oh come on I've gotten up." Dark said lazily. "Oh yea? When?" Anti questioned with a raised eyebrow. "Just a few minutes ago." Dark looked at Anti. "And what did you do when you "got up"?" Anti didn't seem amused. "I took a piss." Dark said looking back at the tv. "Hm..." Anti sat down next to him.
You decided to stay to make sure they didn't do anything like kiss or watch hentai again, so you sat in the only open spot.... Next to Dark.

Darkiplier X antisepticeye X readerWhere stories live. Discover now