Chaper 2- Possibility

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"No, that can't possibly be right. She's only thirteen... she wouldn't know-"

"Think again, Ms. Morris."

But I couldn't fathom the chance that...

No, Jade didn't hang out with Christina, let alone know who she was. It didn't make sense. Nothing made sense.

I abruptly got out of my chair. Sitting was all of a sudden too sedentary for me.

"I want to see my family," I say, somehow feeling winded. Currently, only a small fraction of oxygen in the air was reaching my lungs, "I don't want anything to do with this. Didn't I say that before? Leave me be! Leave me be!"

"Fine then, since you have proven yourself to be uncooperative." Officer Parker put extra emphasis on the uncooperative. "Maybe your sister will be of more help."

"Leave Jade out of this too. Please, you have to understand. We didn't do anything."

I don't know why all the words that come of Officer Parker's mouth automatically sound accusing. I don't know why I can't seem to think straight, or think straight, for that matter. It's a shock wave that moves through my whole body, stagnant but jolting.

"Rose Morris, I'll let you return home for now. I will be in contact with you soon. Enjoy the rest of the night, and stay safe."

Although I feel like her statement is everything but sincere, I accept it with a small nod.

I all but run out of the police station, into the unwavering rain outside. It drenches me immediately, soaking my clothes, making them a shade darker than they once were.

I also feel a shade darker, like thick clouds have bubbled and formed across my eyes. A dense fog that impairs all my senses.

In hindsight, I should have called my dad to pick me up beforehand, but that stuffy facility was going to drive me insane. It's atmosphere definitely has its effects on the subconscious.

Since I don't live far, I decide to test my luck and dash home. The rain does slow me down considerably, and I fall on the sidewalk two blocks from my house.

A boy, most likely my age (and probably attending my high school), sees me fall. He offers me no assistance but instead walks over to me. It's as if he thinks his very presence will help me.

The first thing I notice is his lack of umbrella, and his longer than average hair that is matted on his head. It's blond with light highlights that can only be achieved by long hours at the beach.

But there isn't any shores nearby.

He seems strange in this time and place. Something's off but I can't seem to put my finger on it. Maybe it's the air of California that radiates off him.

When I brush myself off and get back on my feet, he still lurks, staring at me.

"Um, hi?" I say. It came out more sarcastic than I intended it to.

"Oh, uh, I'm sorry. It's just that... never mind." It comes out as more of a squeak than expected.

I don't pretend to entertain a useless conversation that is unlikely to go anywhere. Besides, the downpour is starting to make me feel cold.

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