Chapter Fourteen

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~Ian has just arrived at Nicoles, and as he turns the corner from the elevator, he overhears her having a heated conversation with a man.~
"Well, no need to escort me."
"And why not?"
I knew this was the perfect chance to swoop in and help Nicole get rid of this jerk, "because I will escort her," I slip past the short, muscular man, "hi, I'm Ian Somerhalder pleasure to meet you."
"Ian, how'd you get in?" Nicole asks.
"Some pizza guy was leaving, so he let me in," I kiss her softly, so the man know she's in a relationship.
"Oh who is this? You're new boyfriend?"
"Actually fiance, and you are?" I ask with a smirk on my face because this is the first time I've introduced myself as Nicole's fiance.
"FIANCE? You can't be serious Nicole."
"And why not?"
"Please, you are the most deattached, and fickle woman a man has ever seen." As he says this is feel a sense of anger fill me because no one should talk to my fiance, or anyone for the matter, like that.
"Excuse me, little man I think it's best you leave," I demand.
"Not without my wife I'm not."
"What?" I'm confused by that statement. Nicole can't be married, we're engaged and having a baby. She would never do this to me. He's bluffing.
"Goodbye Nick," Nicole almost shouts as she slams the door.
"Baby, it's not like that."
"You're married?" I ask, confused.
"No, Nick isn't over the fact that we were going to get married. We were dating because my family pushed me towards him. He's been my sister's husbands best friend since college. And after they started dating and got engaged, I started dating Nick. We got engaged way too soon. So the day of our wedding, he had said his vows and his I do's but I couldn't say mine. I knew it was a mistake, so I ran out of the wedding."
I realized she had said she regret how fast they moved. This made me think of our situation, and a dark thought dawned on me. "You knew it'd be a mistake too marry him too soon?"
"Yes, I didn't know him and I felt we were rushing things." She says.
"You mean like us?"
A moment of silence fills the air until she says, "No no no, Ian, I love you and this baby..."
"Are you only getting married with me because of the baby?" I can't hold back the tears that fill my eyes. I have no control. I'm vulnerable to these feelings.
"Of course not. I'm having this baby because I love you. It's different. What we have is nothing I ever had with Nick."
I stiffen up and reply, "I think, we need some time to make sure we're not rushing in to anything. I mean we're getting married, and having this baby after a date. We don't even know if you're having a baby."
"Ian, I love you," she replies as water burst out her beautiful eyes. I don't want to be the reason she cries, but it's for the best.
"I love you too Nicole. And it's because I love you that I can't hurt you or make you do something you'll regret. This isn't a break up. It's a time out to make sure we're ready for each other." She nods.
"I love you," she manages to say again with a cracking voice. I take one last good look at her to make sure this is the right move. I would never hurt her. I want her to get everything she wants from life, even if I'm not a part of it.
"I love you too," I whisper. I turn towards the door, creep it open slowly, then walk out without turning back. I hop on the elevator with tears pouring down my cheeks. I feel alone, and empty without the one thing I want the most. When it's almost at the lobby, I fix myself up and walk out the building. My Uber is waiting. I look up the building, half hoping to see Nicole looking down from her window. When I see nothing but the big blue sky, I get into the car.
"Where to sir?"
"Back to my hotel please."
"As you wish." After what felt to be the longest car ride of my life we arrive. I go through the front because all my fans think I've headed back to Atlanta while my cast mates finish up the convention.
I get into the elevator when I hear, "hold the elevator!" I put my hand between the closing doors.
"Phew, thank you, Ian?"
"Nina, what are you doing here?"
"Well Julie got sick and couldn't fly out to finish comic con with the crew, so she sent me."
"Oh poor Julie, I'll call her later."
"I thought you were on your way back to Atlanta. Why are you still here?"
"Oh I decided to take a mini vacation here with some friends."
"You mean Nicole?"
"How do you know about Nicole?" I ask surprised.
"Candice told me. No need to hide it, we're friends right?"
"We're costars Nina, I think we lost friendship a long time ago."
"Wow, I thought we could be grown-ups about this, clearly I was wrong." We stand there in silence when all of a sudden Nina hits the emergency stop button.
"Hey what was that for?"
"Well need to talk Ian. Yes talk, not argue. Look, I've apologized countless times for leaving you. We want different things. We were never going to work."
"I get it Nina! You wanted to be a party girl. You want to do movies, visit the world, and meet new people. You're too immature for me."
"What about you, I'm only 28 and yes I want to have new adventures."
"Yes, but I'm 38, I want to settle down with the girl I love and have children and a family."
"I know Ian," she says in a calm tone, "we wanted different things. I knew I couldn't give you what you wanted yet, so I let you go. I think that's pretty mature."
"I wanted to go on adventures with you too, but would it have been so bad doing all that married with kids?"
"I don't know Ian, but you were asking me to give up a year or more to be pregnant and have a child, and plan a wedding. I'm not ready for that."
"I get it. That's why I've moved on and found someone who I thought wanted the same things as me."
"Nicole wants to get married?"
"Well she might be having my baby."
"You're... you're gonna have a baby?"
"I think so, she hasn't taken the test yey."
"Oh Ian, I'm so happy for you," Nina says as she slowly comes towards me for a hug.
"Thanks," I say as I let myself fall into the hug.
"See, we should be able to be happy for each other's success."
"I guess you're right. I mean we were really good friends before everything happened."
"So can we be friends?"
"I guess we can." Nina releases the emergency stop, and she gets off at the suit before mine. I stand in the elevator thinking about all we've been through, and without Nina breaking up with me, I would've never met the love of my life.

~Reach Chapter Fifteen for more~

Ian Somerhalder: A Twisted Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now