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Claryse strolled in through the guild doors, holding an exhausted exceed underneath her shoulder. Chloe groaned as the airconditioning hit her face. 

"Civilization!" Chloe exclaimed with joy. She soon drifted off to sleep in Claryse' arm once more. Claryse sighed and smiled to herself. 

"Fairytail," she grinned. "We're finally here, Chloe!" She walked through the crowd that was murmuring about their day when she finally made it to the snack bar. She took a seat and go the waitress's attention. "Hello ma'am! Do you know where a girl can get a drink around here?" she giggled. Mira looked up from the glass she was cleaning before a wide grin stretched across her features.

"Claryse!" she yelped. "You're finally back from your mission in the mountains!"

Claryse had in fact been gone for three months in the mountains on a mission. She was sent to wipe out a guild of dark wizards. She and Chloe had infiltrated the ranks and took them down from the inside. It was no small feat, and she was completely exhausted from the trip.

"Yeah, it's gonna be great to finally see everyone again! If you don't mind though, I think we're gonna take a night to ourselves first, though," she informed. "We really are excited, but we're just so tired," she yawned.

(HEYO. So you can jump in here as either a guild member or another person who is new to the guild or whatever, really. Have fun!)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2017 ⏰

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