Star Wars

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"What movie do you want to see?" Avi asked.
"I picked last week, so you can pick this time."
"Wait! Star Wars!" He said excitedly, "I didn't think that was supposed to come out till next week!"
"Okay, okay. We can see that one, I actually kind of wanted to see it." You smiled up at him, looking at his beautiful green eyes. It made your heart leap when he got excited like this.
"Would you mind getting the tickets, I have to use the men's room."

"Umm, two tickets to Star Wars, please," you said to the cashier.
"That will be 16.50"
"Here you go," you handed over your card and watched as they slid it; giving you your receipt and tickets. "Thank you so much, have a great evening!" You said.
"You too" they mumbled back. You tried to be nice to everyone, because you knew how it felt when people weren't always the best towards you.
Just as you were putting your card away shoving away your receipt, Avi slid next to you and put his hand in yours.
"Ready?" He asked.
"Yep all set, were sitting in the back."
Avi made a face.
"Don't smirk, the back two rows were all they had left." You laughed back at him, rolling your eyes. He was such a flirt.

"Wait! Snacks!!" He whisper shouted, once you got to your seats. "I'll be back.." he finished as he scooted past you.
"Hurry it starts in like 5 minutes!"
Not to long after, you see him scurry back, his long lean legs making him bounce, back to his seat. A smile springs to your face.
"Okay, I have popcorn with extra extra butter, Twizzlers, and a Butterfinger," He whispers. "I also have napkins and a water."
"Thanks babe"
Just after you open the candy and recline your seats the movie stars and his right hand slides back into your left, warming up your small fingers.
Avi looks at the screen, placing popcorn into his mouth like a little kid, and you can't help but giggle and rest your head on his shoulder. That causes him to snap out of his haze and kiss you on the head while wrapping his arm around you, pulling you close. He smelled of cologne and his soft curls tickled your nose. It made you a little sleepy, but you powered through.

As the movie finishes and Princess Lea closes out the movie, the theater is filled with soft claps as an homage to her acting.
"That was good" you said sleepily.
"Yea, I liked it a lot. I will admit I was confused through most of it, but it all made sense when Carrie appeared at the end .. ready to go home? I'm surprised you're still awake."
"Yep," you smiled up at him as he gave you a quick kiss and lead you out.

"I'm going to go take a bath. Come sit with me?"
"Yea, I'll be there in a second."
Sometimes when you were taking a bath Avi would sit with you, per your request, out side the bath and you would just talk while he messed around on his computer and worked on his music. It was a way you could
both be together but he could also get some of his stuff done. He went to your room and changed into a t-shirt with basketball shorts as you drew your bath and added a lush bath bomb that was blue and added seaweed as it dissolved. It was on of your favorites because it made the bath look like the ocean, a place you always missed. Not long after you had slipped in and closed the glass door Avi walked in with his computer and two wine glasses.
"Mm thank you." You said after he slid open the door and handed you yours.
"It's the 14 hands we opened a few days ago"
"Mm it's nice .. what are you going to play for me tonight?"
"Well I've been trying to put together this cover for the StageIt show .. I did a rough recording last night .." he stops talking and starts to play it.

"That's beautiful, babe"
"Thanks, I still have some tweaking to do .."
"What else are you doing?"
"Well, Ben and I are doing a song called Wayfaring Stranger ... and then I also wanted to do a song called April Come She Will."
"Is that Simon and Garfunkel?"
"Yea, I haven't practiced that one yet but I have the chords and notes laid out .."

After a few quiet moments your voice perks up again, startling the silence. "Would you mind rubbing my shoulders? I thought the hot water would help but it's not."
"Of course, love."
You sit up and face the wall clutching your knees to your chest and leaning your head against them. His hands are cold and startle  you.
"Sorry" he murmurs.
"No, it's okay," you whisper back.

"... I love you, June bug" you say after a while. "Don't forget it."
"I wouldn't dream of it." He stops and places a small kiss at the nape of your neck, making a calm wash over you, that only he can do.
"Can you hand me my towel?"
He wraps it around you, after you drain the water, and places a small sweet kiss on your lips, making it hard not to melt then and there. His beard tickles your cheeks in the best way and his curls brush against your shoulders.
"Let's go to bed.."
When you get to your room, he slips off his t-shirt and climbs into bed while you put an oversized t-shirt on and some undies. You slide right into his side and rest your cheek on his chest as he pulls the sheets over you both. He places one last kiss to your lips before shutting off the lamp on the table next to him.
"Goodnight, my love."
"Goodnight, Avriel."

Requests appreciated!

Avi Kaplan One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now