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Build her a kingdom she wants to live in.
Coronate her the princess of that kingdom .
Because that's what she was destined to be.

Don't kill her dreams before she even open her eyes.
Let her look at the world with her beautiful, curious eyes.
Make her strong; not cry.

She may fall, let her.
But when she rises , let her shine.
She may sometimes shed some tears but those tear drops are not a sign of weakness.
Rather it shows that she feels ; that she's a human.

Let her smile because its brightness can give a glimpse of the colours of the world to a blind eye .
Let her laugh because it is music for deaf ears.

Let her live her dreams just like the prince of her father's kingdom.
She has got the same caliber as the prince; just present her with the same opportunity.

Let her show the world the great talent that the God bestowed to her.
Have faith in her, let her fight her battles.
She can definitely defeat her demons.

Because if she can give birth to a new life, she is capable of doing anything.

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