part 20

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So a jaldi wala update bcoz of devil

So here it goes

Raman drops ruhi to school...

ruhi gives him goodbye kiss..

ruhi goes in he keeps looking on
He says I dnt know why am having negative vibes today feeling like something bad is going to happen..
he folds his hands n prays waheguru please keep ruhi safe n happy

Raman is in Operation theatre
A wardboy comes rushing he says something to Raman
Raman gives some instructions to assistant doctor

He goes rushing to ICU
Toshi is shown pacifing Ishita

Raman asks what happened
Mr Bhalla tells him that they got a call from school saying ruhi suddenly fell n became unconscious....
appa says since then ruhi has not come to senses...
and had to be admitted to ICU as her pulse was very low...

Raman rushes inside ICU

Dr mehra tells him that they have given injections to ruhi n they have done tests only reports can reveal....
Raman goes to Ishita
he places his hand over her n asks her to have faith
Ishita hugs him n sobs

Dr Mehra calls Raman in his cabin he tells him
”Dr Raman what we feared has been proved by reports so sorry but its a case of relapse,
ruhi’s bone marrow is not functioning
Raman u r a doc urself so cannot hide n dnt want to hide anything from u
with this underlying condition ruhi cannot survive more
to give her life we need to do bone marrow transplant which is expensive n for which we need a matching bone marrow donor and as u r not ruhi’s biological father only Ishita jii’s bone marrow can match Ruhi’s bone marrow”

Raman is motionless
he finds that Ishita has overheard everything
Raman walks out behind Ishita she is crying Amma hugs her Amma questions what happened Ishita doesn’t ans
appa questions Raman
he starts crying inconsolably n breaks down completely all are shocked

Ruhi comes to senses
Raman goes to her
she holds his hands n says papa am fine I will come back home again
Raman gets emotional
he starts sobbing
ruhi is confused
Dr mehra asks Raman to be strong
he says they cannot give ruhi any stress
ruhi asks for Ishita
Raman goes to Ishita n asks her to meet ruhi
Ishita says she cannot face her
Raman holds her hand n says we need to be strong for ruhi I promise u nothing will happen to her I will let nothing happen
Ishita looks at him
they both are in tears

Toshi n Amma pray for Ruhi in gurudwara
Toshi is sobbing Amma hugs her n says if they will lose hope who will support children n give them strength
Toshi says ruhi is her jaan
ruhi cannot go no no no
Amma asks her to be positive

simmi asks Ishita not to lose hope

Dr mehra says Ishita’ s reports have come
Raman holds Ishita’ s hands
Sorry dr Raman Ishitajii cannot be ruhi’s donar as their bone marrow doesn’t match”
Raman asks Doc if there is anybody else whose bone marrow can match
Dr mehra says -Bone marrow can match in one case if Ishita jii conceives
baby will be ruhi’s sibling 80% bone marrow will match n ifnot
we can medically see to it that foetus’s bone marrow matches to ruhi n after baby is born after six months transplant can take place

Ishita n Raman eye each other with tears in eyes

precap-Raman yells at Toshi n says ruhi is imp part of their life n they willnot leave her alone n go anywhere especially in this condition.

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