Part 6 - Epilogue

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So the house on the corner stands empty now. No one walks the street wearing a headscarf anymore either. The neighbors remain cautious nonetheless or vigilant as they call it. The election has ended, and it appears that the neighbors’ opinions were shared by many, for their horse won the race. The neighborhood was well educated on the best person for the job all along, they say. Now they’re talking of a wider, growing movement. People in headscarves better watch out. The things they talk about now remind me of some stories my grandfather used to tell. The details are hazy though. That was a while ago.

Regardless of the means, we’ve got to be kept safe, the neighbors say. Safe from the threat of brainwashed lunatics who expect us to change our ways.

I guess it's possible they're onto something.

People are pretty terrifying when you think about it.


I hope you liked the story!  If you did, please remember to vote.

Thanks so much for reading!  G.H.


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