War 1 Finale

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After this round, you can finally join War 2! And congrats to both of you who've made it this far in the war 😊 Remember, all your past covers don't matter, it's up to what kind of cover you make on this finale that matters 😉 I wish you luck!
1. _LittleMissSarcastic
2. belladonnas-

TITLE: Make-C-Over

SUBTITLE: Covers and Others

AUTHOR: Your username and mine (NadsRads) 😊

FACE CLAIM(S): Ariana Grande/ Your favorite female K-pop star 😘

THEME: Make-up/Lipstick/Fashion

TYPE: Manipulated/Simple 🐱

MAIN COLORS: Red/Pink/Purple/Grey/Yellow/Green 😇

GENRE: Teen Fiction 🍇

DEADLINE: 4 Feburary 2017 😉

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