Chapter Two- The Missing Phone

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              I walked down the street in silence, brooding in my loneliness. I longed for a friend, someone like me, someone who would understand me. I walked past kids waiting at the bus stop, talking, laughing, and just generally playing around. They all looked so happy, It was sickening. I walked all the way to school in silence.


             I couldn't help myself because it was soooo tempting. I was walking down the hallway and spotted it. Madison's locker was ajar and she and her Catty B Squad were nowhere to be seen. I grinned wickedly and walked over.  I rummaged through all her crap and found something that seemed too good to be true. It was her gross glittery pink I Phone 8. She'd been bragging about for the past week. How did she forget her phone? She's practically attached to the hip with it. I pocketed it and casually walked away. What? She and her B Squad made my life a living Tartarus ( I applaud you if you got that reference.) and it's not like i won't give it back, eventually.

              I got to class just as the bell rang. I speed-walked to my seat at the back and sat down. I got out my notebook and started copying down the notes from the board. Madison turned around in her seat and looked at me. "Hey look guys! It's goth girl! We almost thought you weren't coming to class today, but here you are! How nice!" She said in a fake sympathetic voice. Her B squad cackled behind her.

             I glared at her. I've already told you, I'm not goth!" i said in a fake sweet voice. She looked at me then at all her friend's faces. She smirked. "I don't think so. You dress goth, you look goth, and you sound goth, soooooo....Ya i think you are." Wow. She is extremely stupid. 

               This time, when i replied, i did it while still copying my notes. Actually, I'm not. Just because i like darker colors doesn't mean i am, and i don't think i look goth. Everyone's entitled to act stupid once in awhile, but you really abuse the privilege." 

             Her eyes widened. But before she could reply, The teacher said something. "Madison, are you here to learn or talk?" Mr. Carter said coldly. I smiled triumphantly. I looked down at my notebook and kept writing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2017 ⏰

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