She's like Texas

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Hey guys!

Okay so this is my second attempt to put my story on Wattpad.... 

The title is actually based on a song called She's like Texas by Josh Abbott Band. I hope you guys like it!!! 

Please comment and Vote! 

Thanks!! :)

Bryan’s POV

“Bryan, why won’t you look at me anymore? I have given everything you have wanted.” Sarah tried to touch my arm. I didn’t even look at her. My wolf was upset with me. How could you sleep with this girl! Your mate is out there! I knew he was right. I needed to be searching for my mate, not sleeping just anybody.

“Leave. I don’t want you here.” I didn’t bother to look at Sarah. We had played this game over and over. She would be upset and try to talk me out of letting her leave. I wouldn’t fall for it and she would go. Only this time was the last time that would happen.

Morning came early for me. I had to get ready for school. I could hear the other pack members getting ready down stairs. The most noticeable voice out of the whole pack was Matt, my Beta. I heard a knock coming from the double wooden doors.

“Hey Bryan, you need to come out. There is a family that has moved into our territory. They want to get your blessing so they can move into the house without any problems. Their names are James and Marie Lance. They have 4 daughters. Their names are Elizabeth, Rachel, Anne, and Lacy. They should be here soon.”

I opened the doors to come face to face with my Beta. I nodded at him. I walked down the stairs to see a James and Marie standing there with a smile on their face.

“Good morning Alpha. I’m sorry if we have disturbed you. We just wanted to have your blessing so that we can move in without any hitches. Our daughters couldn’t make it this morning. They were needed at the school.” James and Marie both smiled at me.

“You have my blessing. I most head out now. Please feel free to stay a little bit and talk to the others if you would like to. Good-bye” I headed out the door to my yellow Jeep. It only took me 5 minutes to get to the school. I met up with the rest of the pack there and headed into the auditorium.

Right as the doors open, I smelled the most delicious sent. My wolf begins howling mate! I looked around the auditorium to see if I could see her. My packs lead me to a seat close to the front of the stage. Matt turned to me. “Hey, I can’t wait to see these girls. They are the Lance’s daughters.” My face looked at Matt with amazement. We were actually going to see what these girls looked like.

“Okay settle down kids. We have a special performance by some new students here that are renounced choir singers. Here they are the Lance singers.” The principle started clapping as he walked down the stage.

The music started playing. The most wonderful voice started singing. She walked down the aisle by me. I could tell it was her sent that I had smelled when I walked into the auditorium. She lightly brushed her golden tan hand on my arm. Sparks flew between us and I could tell she could feel them too. I knew the song she was singing. It was Stronger by Kelly Clarkson. She nailed it. Her sisters came up and sang as well with her. I couldn’t help but to stare at her.

Their song ended and the bell for school to start rang. I dreaded going to Biology. It was so boring to listen to our teacher talk about frogs. As I entered the class, Matt was sitting with Blaine. They motioned for me to come sit with them. I walked over to the empty desk behind Blaine and sat down. I was just waiting for class to start so I could go on my phone.

The same smell hit me like a ton of bricks. My wolf began to look franticly for her. She walked into the class and handed her schedule to our teacher. “Welcome to Jefferson High school Miss Elizabeth Lance. I’m Mr. Bronze but you can call me Mr. B. Just pick a seat anywhere you like.” Her sea blue eyes met mine.

Liz’s POV

My eyes met with his green emerald eyes. I could see why a lot of girls referred to him as a heart breaker. He was gorgeous to begin with. His muscles, body, and eyes just about sealed it all together. I had to break the eye contact first. I took my seat in front of a girl with blonde hair. She didn’t seem too happy with for looking at him.

“HI! My name is Sarah. You sang really well today.” She was too cheery and saw me looking at the guy in the back. “Oh, that is Bryan. He is the Alpha in this part. Where are you from?” Sarah seemed too thrilled about this question.

“I’m from the Lone star state.” I said proudly

“Oh so you’re from Mexico?” Apparently she wasn’t the brightest bulb.

“No. I am from San Antonio, Texas. Was born and raised there. Now I’m here in New Mexico. My father found work here. We are moving into this territory.” The bell rang for the end of the 1st period. 2 more to go and I can go home and help unpack. I was happy when the bell rang for the end of 3rd. I jumped into my mustang convertible and waited for my sisters to come out. Rachel came out with a guy that I had recognized. He was in my Biology class.

I looked at him with a smile on my face. I was happy that Rachel found her mate. “Liz! I want you to meet someone. Matt this is Elizabeth. Elizabeth this is Matt.” I shook his hand with a smile on my face. “Matt, it is nice to meet you. You can call me Liz. No need to use my full name.” Matt chuckled.

“Okay. I will” He turned to Rachel and gave her a kiss. “I will see you later tonight?” She nodded and jumped into the car. All of us waved bye to Matt. To see my surprise I saw Matt walking back to Bryan. Too the looks of it Bryan wasn’t too happy. I started the car and blared We Are Young, driving away from the school back home to unpack

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