My Saviour

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"Don't you know it's not nice to threaten a lady?"
She smirked and broke her long held gaze with the man, turning to look at the red headed woman, she smiled casually at her and closed her eyes. She smirked and waited a few seconds before she felt cool metal touch her temple.
"I'll do it, I really will!" She listened to him breathe heavily and adjust the gun against her head. "Then hurry up." The red haired woman looked at her and the attacker, terrified of the situation. Was she crazy? Suicidal? This man wanted to kill them and she was encouraging him!
She opened her eyes again and turned her head so that the gun was pointed directly in the middle of her forehead. She opened her eyes slowly and said, "You should've pulled the trigger."
The red haired woman stared in complete shock as the woman swiftly took the gun out of the mans hand, emptied it, and tackled him in what seemed like a manner of seconds. He hit the ground with a loud thud, but the woman seemed unaffected by her fall. She sat on his chest as she started to punch him. The man raised his hand to protect his face, only for the woman to grasp him by his forearms and lift his torso up,  bashing it against the concrete.
The red haired woman was awakened from her trance at the sound of his scream in agony, she quickly ran, or crawled, she couldn't tell, over to her savior.
"Stop! Stop! You'll kill him!" She screamed as she tried to push the woman off of him. Her actions were futile, the woman continued to smile as she punched and banged his head. The red haired woman grabbed her fists and pulled her towards her. "Please, please just stop!" She screamed in between her sobs. "Please, please don't kill him!"
Green eyes locked with purple eyes and she looked down at her hands. She gasped at the blood and unclenched her fists. She looked up at the green eyes and red hair again and whispered in between gasps, "I'm sorry you had to see that." Green eyes blinked and when she looked up again, her savior was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2017 ⏰

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