Quirky Me [Ziall]

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quirk-y: characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits.


Zayn Malik is what you call a quirky boy. He has the oddest habits and the most peculiar pet peeves.

He can't stand people who use double negatives in a sentence, dirty keyboards, socks with sandals, people who leave shopping carts in a parking space instead of putting them back in the corral, people who yell 'Drop it.' when the conversation goes to unwanted situation, when people don't clear the clock on the microwave, and the list can go on and on.

He refuses to eat with a spoon that is thinner than a nickle, when he sneezes he tries to hold it and sneezes in the bathtub or sink, he only sleeps with his head at the feet of his bed, uses paper towels to open the door in a public restroom, when he eats a sandwich he has to smell the ham before eating it, he has plenty more but that list is longer than a novel. 

Zayn is a collage student in his early 20's sharing a flat with his girl roommate and best friend, Jackie. He dreams of finding someone who he can settle down with and have a happy ending with.

Niall Horan was a happy bubbly kid with brown hair he soon dyed blond, and a crooked smile. He got mistreated by his father because he was the typical drunk abusive bastard. You can't see the man without a bottle wrapped around his lips. Mom being too scared to speak up and help her sons that were in danger, resembling a dog with its tail between its legs.

His older brother was the one who protected him and made sure he stayed happy and oblivious to how serious the situation was.

One day Niall came home from school early for being bullied because of his braces. It was the first day he saw the true colors of his father, because that day was the first time he got kicked, punched, and scolded by his father for being 'Too Weak'.

Everything clicked and his mom just stayed quiet and coward away with the words 'I'm sorry.' as her departing words as she took her suitcase and went away. 

Greg soon past away when Niall was 13 when he stood up for Niall and got beaten more brutally and could not be saved in the hospital.

Since then Niall just became a reckless, dangerous, Bad Boy. He dyed his hair a light purple color and got a few piercings and tattoos. He moved out at age 18 and left his father dwell in alcohol and die smelling like liquor. 

He doesn't think he will have a happy ending and probably live off one night stands.

Until he meets Zayn, that is.


Oh and btw I'm Jackyy and I will be playing the role of Jackie. So I'm playing myself. . . gr8.

I would like to know what you think and I'm sorry if that was long or it sucked ass. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2021 ⏰

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