The Legend of The Black Roses

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warning: graphic content

It all started with everyone left dying so let me take you back to when the legend started. It all started in a guild, the guild was called The Black Roses. The guild leaders were Grim and his girlfriend Ashley. Grim was a man about 6 feet tall. He wore a black suit with a red rose attached to the pocket. He had short black hair. Ashley on the other hand was an elf with ginger hair that went past her shoulders. She was a little bit taller than Grim and had beautiful deep sea blue eyes. She always had her bow and arrow, Shadow and Eagle.

They were in a guild meeting. The leaders of the guild were holding this meeting because their spy came back with important news. As they were talking Felix, a boy wearing shorts and a sweater with brown, black, and red hair, was sleeping, so Plush, a boy younger than 5 with white hair and brown eyes, grabbed a teacup and hit Felix over his head. “OW!”, Felix shouted. Grim yelled, ”PAY ATTENTION!”.

“I overheard Mr. Zora talking to someone in a black cape. He said something about stealing the city's source before it blows up”, Star, a girl with a cat ear headband and blue hair with a red star shaped tattoo on her neck, said. They all looked at each other sharing a concerned look.”If the city's source got stolen what would happen to us? And the city?”, Fabian, a male with headphones around his neck, asks. “Well the city would blow up and the explosion would disintegrate all of us”, Grim said fiercely.

Tommy, Felix’s little brother, wakes up and looks at everyone with his bright blue eyes moving his blonde hair out of his eyes. “W-what happen?”, Tommy asked yawning. “You heard me”, Grim said firmly. Tommy hugs his leg. “S-sorry.”, Tommy said yawning again. Ashley walked in the door.”RAWR!”,Plush shouted. “Hey Plush” she said playfully. Plush grabs his blocks and throws them at her, “RAWR!” He yelled. “I have to go change out of this assassin outfit I'll be back”, she winked.

Tommy tugs on Grim’s sleeve.” Tommy what do you want?”, Grim asked. “Can I go play at the park with Felix?”, Tommy replied with a question. “Sure” Grim said blankly. Tommy grabbed Felix’s arm and dragged him outside,“THANK YOU” Felix yelped in surprise. “Have fun” Ashley said. Fabian looked at Grim. “Grim what are we going to do about this?”, he said. “What can we do?”, he looked at Fabian suspiciously. Fabian glared at him and stood up, “If I knew I would say!” “Don't test me boy” Grim said angrily just as he got up and started to his room. “Wait”, Ashley said innocently as she ran after him. Fabian stormed out angrily. Plush ran into a box and started to cry.

Star was following the sound of voices to see Mr.Zora talking to the caped figure again,
“Bunnycat” Star called quietly. A black cat with red eyes crawls over. “What?”, Bunnycat asked quietly. Star pointed at the people below. Bunnycat looks and goes to take a picture when Star grabs her arm. “take off the flash so they don't see us”, Star said quietly. Bunnycat nods and throws the camera at Star. ”Fine”, Star fixed the problem and then gave the camera back to Bunnycat. Bunnycat zoomed in on the scene and took a picture. “what was that noise?”, the hooded figure said. “Were being watched”, Mr.Zora said sharply. “Let's go”, Star said quietly. Bunnycat nods and leaves with Star following right behind.

Star and Bunnycat were running when suddenly Mr.Zora walked onto the path and said, “in a hurry are we?”. “Why are you doing this”, Star said frantically. “Because you ruined my life my job my passion”, Mr.Zora said blankly, “and it was mostly you who did it Star” he took off his red hood to reveal black hair that covered one of his green eyes . “Trint!? How could you”, Star said surprised. “CAUSE I HATE ALL OF YOU!!!”, Trint charged at Star with his giant gleaming tinted red greatsword. Star pulled out her twin daggers and blocked his slash. His sword grinded against her daggers and then his sword broke through her daggers. She tried to block again but before she knew it Trint’s sword pierced her gut. She gasped, then Trint kicked her off the blade. As soon as she hit the ground
she died. After Bunnycat saw this she started to run away.

Bunnycat got back to HQ. “Bunnycat? Where's Star?”, Felix asked.  “Trint….Star….Fabian…”, Bunnycat said out of breath. Right as she said this Trint walked in smirking. “Heh….Fabian….kill them all!” Trint yelled loudly. Fabian walked in and started killing them. Trint joined. Felix hugged Tommy’s dead body crying and bleeding out. Trint faced Fabian when everyone was gone. “You've been loyal….but your time has come to an end.” ,Trint said calmly. He killed Fabian and left smiling. Just as Grim bursted in and yelled at Trint and started running at him. While he was running he pulled out his custom black broadsword called the sword of the void. He leaped at Trint and slashed at him full-force and Trint blocked they both started to fight. The were blocking and slashing at each other, just as the both flew backwards the ran and both slashed each other at the same time. They both turned around and met eyes just as Trint fell to the ground, as Grim followed to the ground he looked at Trint and smiled and said “guess your not as good as you thought huh” as Trint went to answer he died and Grim followed. They say that if you stay at the old HQ past midnight you can hear the weeping of the members of the Black

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