15. New one!

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Hi everyone. Thank you so much for all the support you have given me with this story, I would love to do more but really liked how this one ended. However I have decided to do another one with the tv show of shadow hunters. In some ways it will be like this one however I am changing a few things, like the character and the story line but feel like it is quite similar to this. 

This is about another girl who like Theya joined the Lightwood family with but after her boyfriend was  murdered by the clave and she killed his killers she was banished from the shadow world. Until now when Valentine is back and they need her, she has to decide between her new mundane life or going back to the people who turned their backs on her. I would love for you all to read thank you. 

It is called The Mundane Shadow Hunter and I have just published the first part, let me know what you think! xxx

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