Chapter 5- Inner Voice

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Adrian's POV

I don't know how long I was asleep for, but when I woke up knew something was wrong. Something was off, kind of like an intuition. I sound like a girl. I sat up form the bed and my hand crinkled on a piece of paper. I read the note and relaxed a little.

Apparently, Samara just went to buy things for herself. I got up from the bed and opened the curtains and noticed it was already night

Holy crap! I slept all day long!

I saw the foot-longs I'd bought earlier and decided to dig in. I was already on my fourth foot-long when I started feeling an unease in my stomach.

How long has it been since Samara left? I glance at the clock and see that its passed 7:30 p.m. I threw away the rest of the sandwich and start pacing around the room. I can't stand still. I just needed to keep moving.

As I looked out the window, I note that it's pouring outside and I see two men standing between the alley staring at me.


I could hear the beats of heart going into overdrive. My intakes of breath were coming up more fast as if I were afraid, but it wasn't my fear though. I felt a strong tug in my chest telling me to leave the room and go look for someone. But who?

Samara! You idiot!!! You need to fucken look for Samara! Now!

Whoever the hell that was sounded almost animalistic kind of like a guttural growl. It felt like there was momentarily a second person inside of me when I heard that voice. But for some reason, I had to do whatever that voice told me to do especially since it had to do with Samara.

Hastily, I slipped on my black boots and ran out the door causing it to slam open.

Shit! I need to hurry. I flew down the stairs; apparently we were on the fifth floor.

Once I got to the lobby I stopped short, people were gawking at me as if I just escaped an asylum, but I didn't have time for their shit. I raced towards the exit and swung the door opened and raced across the alley way where I had last seen those two men. If my memory serves right, they were the same thugs that were with Samara's fiance. Even though it was pouring out and with no moon out, I could still see clearly which should be impossible if you ask me. But I didn't have time to think about it.

I stopped abruptly. I sniffed the air and internally gagged. What the hell is that smell?!

There's someone here. I don't know how I knew, but my body was already tensing ready for a fight. Then I heard a slight noise behind me and my head whipped to the direction of the noise. I saw a flicker of something silver flying towards me; I caught it before it hit my chest.

Whoa...I had no idea I could do that. I look down and see that it's a dart. Maybe a tranquilizer? What the fuck! They're shooting at me as if I'm some kind of animal.

Suddenly, I see movement to my left, behind a green dumpster and I flick the dart back where I saw him now. A grunt echoed through the alley followed by the sound of a body falling.

Well, there's one down. I let out an exhale and see my breath coming out in puffs, showing how cold the night is.

I scan the alley and I find the other ass sprinting off at an incredible speed. I run after him surprised at how easily I caught up to him; he lets out a strangle cry after I grab his arm and push against the wall.

I shove my arm against his wind pipe,"Where the fuck is Samara, you bastard! I know your friend has her," I snarl out.

Poor guy looks like he's about to get his balls cut off. Looking at him more closely, I'd guess he's in his early 20's that has dark hair and teal blue eyes. "Screw you," he spat.

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