Chapter Two

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I suck in my breath, expanding my lungs to the limit. I leave my seat without a word and press forward, clenching my teeth all the way to the testing room.

"Kassidy?" a calm voice says.

"Yeah," I say.

I raise my head, not realizing I had it down, to see a plain-faced abnegation woman. Her features barely stand out, her black hair is in a tight bun and she wears a loose gray dress.

"Kassidy?" She says, breaking me out of the daze I was not aware I was in.

"Kassidy, please take a seat."

I sit on the uncomfortable metal examination chair next to a buzzing machine.

The woman begins attaching strange wires and suction cups to my head.

Every sixteen year old has to do this. The aptitude test tells you what faction you most likely belong in. It doesn't effect your choice the next day though.

It's basically a suggestion of what to pick at the choosing ceremony. You cut your hand and let the blood fall into the bowl of the faction you choose, each containing a substance representing the faction.

Each faction values something different, those who can't be placed in a certain faction are divergent. A deadly, unwanted situation. Apparently they are a threat to the system with their ability to resist simulations.

"Are you ready?" the woman asks.

I nod my head and drink the clear liquid she has offered me.

They all thought I would stay in Amity. Dead wrong. Today, the real Kassidy will be revealed.

Imperilment - A Divergent Fan FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora