Chapter 12

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Edwards pov

I was shocked to hear her say this, I wonder how long she has felt this way?

"Well," Alice said. "Let's give them some time alone, shall we?' Cassidy wouldn't look me in the eye until everyone left.

"Why Edward," she said quietly. "I thought you were better than th-". She paused as I pulled her into my chest. As she started sobbing I raised her head up and wiped her tears away.

"Cass, whatever you saw in there was all Tanya's idea. She was complaining about me not spending time with her", I said calmly. "And by the way, I have something to tell you". I leaned down and pressed my stone cold lips to hers.

For a moment, she didn't react, then she ran her hands through my hair and kissed me back. We kissed for a few more seconds and then I pulled away. 'Hey Cass", I said breathlessly. " I love you too".

She smiled and said 'Want to go somewhere amazing?" I nodded and she grabbed my hand and ran towards a large area of woods I've never been to before. As we were running, I wondered something. Cassidy was very fast for a human girl.

We made it to the meadow and she let go of my hand and sat in the sun. "Edward, I need to tell you something", she told me.

Cassidy's pov

It was time to tell Edward my secret. He sat down next to me and pulled me closer to him. "Edward", I said hesitating. "If I tell you something weird, will you still love me?"

He chuckled and said "Love, nothing you tell me will ever change the way I feel about you". Letting my shield down, I showed him my necklace. He didn't seem shocked, he put his lips to my throat and murmured "I already knew this Cass. You were sleeping last night and I looked into your thoughts and saw us together".

I opened my mouth to say something when Alice popped into the meadow. "Cassidy, Edward come quickly. Tanya is causing trouble".

We jumped up and stated running, I made it into the house first and ran into my room. Tanya was in there throwing things around and breaking things. I ran in prepared to pounce.

"Cassidy, wait", Edward shouted to late. Tanya grabbed my arm and bit it. I screamed and Edward growled. That's all I remembered before I blacked out from the pain.

Jasper's pov

Emmett and I were watching some old game on the television when I heard Cassidy scream. I ran up the stairs and saw Edward with Tanya in a headlock and Cassidy lying on the ground with a familiar crescent shaped mark on her wrist.

Emmett growled and grabbed Tanya from Edward. I picked Cassidy up and took her into the next room with Edward close behind. Laying her down on the bed I turned to Edward and said "You have to do it, I know how much you love her".

"I don't know if I can do that, Jazz". There was agony in his voice. He walked over to her and grabbed her hand. I felt her head and felt only a small amount of warmth. "Edward, hurry. She's becoming cold", I said panicky.

He put his mouth on the bite and started sucking out the venom. Her warmth started coming back and Edward pulled away. "Her blood tastes clean", he said quietly. "Leave her here to rest", I said to him.

"Let's bring Tanya in here and show her what's she's done". Emmett brought her into the room and everyone followed them. Tanya saw Cassidy on the bed and her face lit up.

'Is she dead", she asked eagerly. Just then Cassidy moved and said "Edward" softly. Tanya growled. "I thought that I killed her".

Edward smiled and said "She has the Volturi's blessing and they won't let anything happen to her". Tanya leaned over Cassidy looking at the necklace. Then yanking her arm free, she grabbed Cassidy's necklace off of her neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2014 ⏰

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