Chapter Five

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Ken point of view
That speech commander Hon and captain Hiroshi did Was a bit rough. The last few weeks they've been training us and it's been absolutely hell. We go on our first real mission today can't wait to see how that'll go.

"So what do you think today mission well be?" Erick said sitting next to me and the others.

"Why should it matter? Are you planning to be a loud mouth again like you were when we were deciding?" Susan said causing everyone to laugh.

"No shut up Susan." Erick said quickly defended himself.

"Erick why did you stay anyway?" I ask everyone else were waiting on his answer.

"Because I want to show everyone I'm not a coward. Especially captain Hiroshi." He said with a look of determination on his face.

"Well you can show him today. Unless it is that you'll be up to it?" Atsushi said closing the door behind him.

"Captain Atsushi sir!!" We all stood saluting.

"It's okay guys you can relax." Atsushi said walking closer to us.

"What bring us this pleasure? Sir! " Matthew said.

"I came in here to let you guys know that you'll be in the first platoon today's mission. You guys skills are off the charts. Especially you two Susan and Mi keep up the good work all of you. See you again in a bit." Atsushi finished walking out the door.

"Oh yeahhh first platoon Babyyy!" Erick shouted joyfully.

"Oh brother." Susan said walking away.

"Aye Susan were in the same dorm and same platoon. So that means your not better then me."

"Just shut up you moan." Susan said from the other said of the room.

"Hey guys is it me or captain Atsushi looks really young. I mean he looks around are age." I said waiting for a response from someone.

"They all look around are age. Besides commander Hon and captain Aiko. He looks old as dirt and she looks like a kid." Erick said.

"It doesn't matter how old they are they're the captains that commander Hon assign. So we do whatever they say. So get ready for this mission." Mi said throwing me and Erick our uniforms.

Mamrou point of view. (Hons office)
2 hours earlier.

"So today our goal is to make it back to your city. And capture your king for questioning. " Hon said taking a seat.

"Yes. I also have two trusted people up there who've been keeping an eye on the place for us. So meeting them we'll learn more." Hiroshi said.

"Very well will take nine platoons. And each platoon will be six soliders. Atsushi go to dorm 3b 4 let everyone in that dorm know they're be in the first platoon. I think they well be a great help by how they performed. During they're training ." Hon said and Atsushi nodded and left.

"Hey Hon how come you made us captains? " Haru asked.

"Because it wasn't much if you when you first arrived. And you've been apart of this team from the beginning."

"I guess that explains it." Haru said.

"Let's go to the lab the reachers there have something to tell us before we head out." Hon said before leaving.

We made it to the lab and the same two researcher from the day we first got here greeted us. One name was Simon and the other Was named Bill.

"What do you have to show us today Simon? " Hon asked walking along side him.

"Your new gear." Bill said excitedly going to grab it.

He placed everything on the table.

"This is your new gear. We made new blades a bit heavier but more sharper. We also created a grappling hook. It's small and can fit on your waist. All you do is push a button and up you go. But be mindful it's very fast and will pull you quickly. We had the cadets train with some prototypes. So they should be okay using them. One last thing the hooks have a limit so just don't be reckless." Simon said.

"Okay thanks you two see you soon." Hon said grabbing the equipment.

Present time Ken point of views.

Me and the others put on our uniforms. And went to the front where the rest of the team was. Our gear was outside waiting for us so Was the horses. After we got ready we headed for the front.

"You guys over here." Captain Atsushi said waving at us.

Commander Hon walked inform of us on his horse.

"Every this mission well be a capture. A quick in and out no one should be expecting us. Each platoon have a captain assigned. Well break up as we approached closer to our destination. Okay now let's move out." Commander said leading the way.  As the gates were opening.

To Be Continued...


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