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*Ring ring ring* * beep*
Hey you've reached the voicemail of [in the background] NAMJOON! What the... okay as i was saying you've reached the voicemail of Kim Seokjin after the beep leave your [rustling] NAMJOON GIVE ME BACK MY PHONE *beep*

"Hey hyung. Hoseok was asking about the guy you were with. The super pale pale one, short as fuuuuuuck, super blond hair and looked like he was about to kill everyone at the library. Yeah him, I think Hoseok has the hots for him. [in the background] NO I DO NOT SO SHUT UP NAMJOON. I WILL TAKE YOUR RYAN PLUSHIES. Hobi dont you dare. HOBI *beep*

Book 1// Voicemails//NamjinWhere stories live. Discover now