Chapter 1

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She moves slowly, walking in from the lift, making her way to the back of the floor where her office is. Her office is small, and simple. Even though she runs the entire company. But she doesn't care for large offices. Her office is comprised of a mahogany desk, two chairs, one for her and one in front of the desk and a book shelf of books both personal and business related. Her office is with glass doors and walls. As all the other offices are. Hers overlooks us, the interns. I can't help but follow her movements with my eyes. I find the glass design both a curse and blessing. It's a curse because she's distracting, but a blessing because she is so beautiful to look at.

Her blond hair, the way she walks with her hips swaying slightly. The way she smiles and the way her body is perfectly curvy. She's not the skinniest woman I've come across, but she sure is the most breathtaking.

All day every day all I do is think about her and daydream of her not being my boss and where I have the courage to ask her out, to go for what I want. I sigh and turn back to the computer in front of me.

"You need to get over her." I turn to Mike they guy I share my cubical desk with.

His green eyes are giving me that same look he has given me since I told him I liked her. I groan at him and go back to work.

"I'm serious DJ, you are almost finished your internship. You'll be working as a full blown employee in about two weeks." I smile at the thought of full pay, my own hours, my own desk away from the interns cubical. My heart jumps as I know the only available office is the one on the right of Emilia, as the internship I'm doing through my university course is a double degree in business and financing. So she will be hiring me as a financial adviser as well as a regular employee meaning I will work closely with her.

"I can't help it. Have you seen her?" I ask him.

"Yeah I have. I'm also pretty sure she's straight." I sigh, and glance toward her office. She looks up from her desk and spots me, she smiles and goes back to working on her computer.

"In two weeks when you're finished being an intern and start being one of my bosses..." He smirks at me with a teasing tone in his voice.

"We'll go out to celebrate, you can take home some girl and forget about Emilia Orp." I nod my head, he pats my shoulder and goes back to work.

My mind wonders to digits and figures as I concentrate on this months budget allocation for different parts of the company. I work for a company that makes money off buying after people's companies just as they are about to close their doors we invest, keep on the same workers that would have lost them. Jobs as well as hiring new people and bringing the company back on its feet. It's my dream job, saving and creating jobs for people with a company whose owner actually has a conscience.

I feel a hand in my shoulder making me jump slightly. I look up to see Emilia. My breath hitches slightly.

"Oh, hi miss Orp." She gives me her kind smile.

"Emilia, and you Darias, should be heading home." I give her a confused look.

She points to my screen, I turn around and see how late it is, it's nearing midnight. I turn to see everyone is gone but her and I. I mentally curse myself out.

"I didn't even realise it was this late." I say softly.

She smiles and watches me. She sees a defeated and disappointed look on my face and frowns slightly.

"What's wrong?" I blush.

"My car is in the shop and the busses have stopped running." She smiles at me.

"Would you like a ride home?" I blush.

"If it's not out of your way." She waves me off.

"Sure it's fine. Don't worry about it." I smile and thank her.

I pack my things and put in my back. I've never been one to use women's shoulder bags. I turn off my computer and move toward her as she is waiting by the lift. We step in together and press the parking lot button. I glance at her through the silence, she turns to me and gives me a small smile. We hear the ding of the elevator and the doors open, walking out I follow her to her car. I look in awe at her Mercedes in front of me.

"This is yours?" I ask her. She nods her head.

"So where to?" She asks once we're in.

"I live near central." I say softly. She nods her head and starts our way toward central. A forty-five minute drive.  The radio is on as a filler for the silence.

"I need you to know that I appreciate all the over time you put in." I smile and turn to her as she drives.

"Thank you." I say softly.

It is now I realise I haven't had anything since six this morning. Just as on queue, my stomach growls. She glances at me with an amused smile.

"Would you like to stop for dinner?" I blush.

"I think the only place open would be McDonalds." I state.

We make our way to the nearest McDonald's. Style car falls silent again. Once we get to the drive thru window, after ordering at the speaker box, I go to hand her my card to pay but she wouldn't have a bar of it.

"At least let me give you some money." I say.

She just waves me off and hands me my food. Once we get to the front of my place she stops the car and turns it off. Staring at me. I turn to her after unbuckling and readying my bag.

"Thank you for the ride home." She smiles.

She leans over and gives me a gentle hug goodbye. I can't help but black in her scent and warmth. She moves back but doesn't pull away, her hands still on my hips. I find myself lost in her deep blue eyes. She bites her lip as she stares at my lips me. Her eyes wondering down to my lips, which are close enough to hers that I feel her hot breath against them. She moves in, pressing her lips lightly to mine. My lips are on hers for less than five seconds when there is a tap at my window. We jump apart.

I look to see Jasmine there holding little Casper. I sigh and roll my eyes. Trust Jasmine to ruin the movement. I turn back to Emilia. She seems to be deep in thought. Self loathing amongst other emotions were coming across clearly on her beautiful features. I place my hand on her thigh, squeezing it lightly in a way to comfort her. She looks at me and gives a hesitant smile and places her hand over mine. Moving it onto my own lap. I feel the hesitation of her hand to let go of mine but she does.

"You should go inside." I nod my head.

"I'll see you at work tomorrow?" I ask. She smiles and nods.

"Of course." I give a small smile and get out.

Closing the door behind me I watch her drive away. I turn to Jasmine, taking Casper from her arms.

"What is he doing up?" I ask.

"He couldn't sleep." I sigh.

"Come on, you can sleep with mummy tonight." I say carrying him into my room.

"Okay." He mumbles sleepily as he runs his eyes.

"So who was the chick you were locking lips with in the car?" I roll my eyes and start to change into my pyjamas in front of her.

"My boss." I state simply.

"So, you were just casually kissing your boss." I could hear the judgement in her voice.

"Don't start." I say in a warning voice. She huffs and stalks off to her room.

This is why I hate living with my ex. She won't stay out of my love life. She has yet to move out and we've been separated for four months now.

I close the door behind her and finish getting changed.  By the time I'm finished getting changed, Casper has fallen asleep. I smile at my little man and crawl into bed, bringing him closer and under the covers with me. He wakes up slightly, snuggling into me and falling back to sleep. It doesn't take me to follow.

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