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"Connor are you ok?"

"For gosh sake why would i be ok?!" He could see Lilly now. Hair cropped short into a bob with those ridiculous streaks in curls. Still smiling.

"I still remember her first word" He could see her crawling on the floor in her first dress.

"Co - Connor"

"It hurts so much!" Kevin sat down and put an arm around his shoulder to soothe him. 

"She's with heavenly father now Con" Connor cried

"Why did he have to take her?!" His face changed suddenly 


"I believed

That the lord god had a plan for everyone

I believed

That his plan involved her fairytale ending

I believed

In the god who let my flower die

Forget him now

I find I can't

Believe" Kevin stared

"Connor? Elder McKinley?" Connor stood up

"Goodnight Elder Price" Walking into  his room he sat on the bed and whispered

"I believed... but why did I believe?" He looked up at the sky and didn't care about the hell dreams this would earn him. "Hasa diga ebowaii, had one light she was my whole life. you took her but you won't say why. hasa diga..." He broke down again.

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