I tried writing about Angelica

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I don't know if I'm any good at writing but I want to give it a shot so here we go.


I managed to get through my classes until lunch and headed to the cafeteria, bumping into my friend Amber along the way. I sat down and scanned the room and I noticed this girl who was getting in line to get something to eat.

She was one of the most beautiful people I'd ever seen. Her thick black hair was tied back and she was wearing jeans instead of the skirt that usually came with the uniform.

"Why don't you go talk to her?" my friend Amber, who noticed I was looking at her, asked.

"No no no. I'd like to but I'd probably just embarrass myself"

"Ok its up to you but I just thought you should know, she's been looking at you for a while now" she said with a smile on her lips.

I looked up and saw that she was right. The girl was looking right at me and I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks.

Oh no.

She walked up to our table and sat down.

"Hi. I'm Bobbie. I just transferred here and this place is pretty nice"

All I did was stare at her and I didn't even notice I was staring until Amber elbowed me in the side, bringing me back to reality.

"Oh, sorry. I'm Angelica. It's nice to meet you"

"It's nice to meet you too"

We talked for a little while and I started to see that she was actually pretty cool and I felt a bit more relaxed. Then I heard the bell ring and got up to go back to class.

I was hoping to maybe get a chance to talk to her later but I was starting to get a crush on her. I had just met her and I already liked her. I knew Amber already sensed that I liked her and she was probably going to ask about it later but for now, all we did was say bye and walk off to class.

During the rest of my classes, I had trouble focusing on what I was working on and there were a few times when I bumped into Bobbie but both of us were in a hurry and we did't have time to talk.

Finally, after my last class, I got my stuff and walked out to the parking lot to wait for my mom to pick me up. Amber stopped by to say bye before leaving with her parents, leaving me alone for a few minutes. All of a sudden, I heard someone talking to me and looked over to see bobbie standing right next to me.

"Hey I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go get some coffee with me this weekend. Or tea or some cookies. Which ever one you want."

Wait what?

I just stood there, wondering what sort of weird coincidence it was that the girl I liked just asked me out.

"Y-yeah.That sounds really good" I stuttered.

"Alright then. I guess I'll see you later, Angelica" she replied as she walked away and got into a car with who I assumed was some friends.

Just then, I heard my mom calling out to me.

"Hey mom! " I said running over to the car, "I've got someone I'd like to tell you about"

"Ooohh get in and tell me everything" my mom said enthusiastically.


This sounds like a shitty teen romance book but whatever.

Bobbie is actually the girl Angelica met at the bus stop in that comic I drew but I can't seem to get myself to keep working on it at the moment.

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