UnicomicsXSalt Goodbye

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Uni couldn't handle this he cried to Tommy and Cory, gripping Cory so hard it was hard to breathe "What's wrong Uni?" Cory asked concerned. "I don't want to be with salt anymore please help, please" he cried harder Cory and Tommy replied "Its okay Uni we will free you, no matter how hard it is"
Tom and I had to come up with a plan to get rid of salt? WATER! "WE CAN PUT IT ON THE OCEAN!! If we lose it in the ocean it will disappear!" Tom agreed "YEAH!, but how do we get salt to the ocean?" At the same time Tom and I said "Uni?" Uni shrugged "I don't know don't ask me." "Lets call Ashlie and Nick" I suggested *Ring, Ring* "Hello?" Ashlie answered "ASHLIE?! "Yes" "is Nick with you?" "Yeah..why?" I NEED you guys to come over Uni needs help "We said we wouldn't help it is pointless" "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND JUST HURRY UP AND GET HERE WE WILL EXPLAIN!" *hung up*
Neutral Pov:
Ashlie and Nick arrived just on time "UNI WAKE UP!" Tom screamed Cory was next to Uni rocking himself and whispering "please,Uni, please, please wake up" Ashlie and Nick both yelled "WHAT HAPPENED? WHAT DO WE DO? Everyone was so worried about Uni's health but someone had to brave. Nick wiped his tears and picked up Uni "Let's just put him in bed until we can get rid of this stupid evil that consumes him " "Right" they all responded Nick picked him up and carried him to bed "HOW? HOW DO WE GET RID OF THIS STUPID SALT? A CUP?" Nick yelled as everyone started to cry harder Tom responded "A cup is too small possibly a bucket I DONT KNOW! A TRAP! Ashlie screeched under her tears.. Cory was doing the worst out of them all still whispering please over and over again "Cory don't worry he will be fine we are not going to let ANYTHING happen to him, We have worked to hard to just let him die on us." Nick said bravely. Cory stood up "Okay." Tom was determined "We must play Dead By Daylight to lure the salt in, then we will trap it BOOM WHAMO WE GOT IT"
~Skipity to the dead by daylight time ~ 
Salt was coming because Tom died first again "AGAIN REALLY?!" he screamed Salt was finnaly here WHOSH BASH BAM! Salt was trapped in a water bucket "QUICK THE OCEAN!" Tom yelled Cory said something under his breath "This is for you Uni please don't go" With that he grabbed the bucket and ran as fast as he could, being someone athletic he went pretty fast. he threw it all in the ocean and yelled Uni's name at the top of his lungs "UNI!!!" He ran back to Uni he started to wake up!! "Ow my head...Cory?!" Cory cried and hugged him "Uni, you're back thank God." Everyone ran back and hugged him "you're safe now." They said.
Hello Uni Goodmorning
Goodbye Salt Goodnight forever.
This has been UniXSalt I hope you enjoyed! !

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