The Final Piece Of Evidence

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Dear Diary,

I heard something interesting...

Signed, RW

I came home from school, backpack slung on my left arm, my Diary in my right hand. I was going to confront them once Dad got home from work! I was so excited to find out the truth. I raced up the stairs when I heard two voices in the flat.

"John, we need to tell her. It's not right to keep this from her. She's not homophobic, she already thinks we're together!" It was a low voice I've learned to love, Papa Sherlock talking to Dad about their relationship.

"But Sherlock, if we tell her we have to tell everyone. Why don't we just wait a little while longer. I don't want other people to ruin what we have." That reminded me of what Uncle Mycroft said, they worry too much of what other people think.

"Fine okay, one more week for you. I love you, John." That made me smile, I felt like I was going to cry from happiness.

"Thank you. I love you too, Shezza." Shezza? I was biting my lip so hard it was bleeding so they didn't hear me laugh.

"Jooohn don't call me that, it was a silly nickname from years ago!" Papa and Dad were both laughing now. I quietly walked back down the stairs, and then started again but making more noise so they were sure to hear me. Papa opened the door right before I was going to knock.

"Hello Rosie, have a good day at school?" He looked at me, looked at my lip, looked at my facial expression, and looked my Diary in my hand.

I licked my lips to make sure no blood was coming from it and straitened myself out. I wasn't going to confront them, I was going to talk to Molly about this first.

"Huh, oh yes. It was good, very good. But I have a lot of umm homework to do so I'll be in my room!" I speed walked to my room and shut the door behind me. I was laughing so hard into my pillow .

Dear Diary,

I need to talk to Molly about what I just heard. I have a plan but I can't do it without her.

Signed, RW

There was a knock on my door about a half hour after I came home. I jumped off my bed and grabbed my backpack, pulling some random book out to make sure I looked like I was doing some sort of homework. I was really working on my Plan. Dad came in.

"Rosie, is everything okay? You looked a bit, weird when you got home." Yeah that cover up didn't go so well.

"Yes, I'm okay. I just had an idea that I needed to write down before I forgot it." Which was true but not why I looked like that, Dad can't know the real reason yet.

"Okay, sweetie. Would you like some tea?" Actually this was just what I needed, to start my plan. I need to get a phone. Maybe I could borrow Ms. Hudson's.

"Yes Dad, could I go down to Ms. Hudson's to help her make it?" I know that Dad and Papa can make tea but they don't do it as good as Mrs. H. does and they know that. Dad smiled and scooped me up off the bed. He tries to do that as much as possible because soon I'll be too tall for it.

"Yes of course Rosie. Tell Ms. Hudson hi for Sherlock and me okay?" I was relieved that he didn't want to come, probably because he wanted to talk to Papa some more about their relationship. He brought me into the living room where Papa was laying on the couch like he usually does when he thinks. With his hands steepled in front of his mouth. I saw Dad smiling when he saw Papa. He dropped me by the door after kissing my cheek.

"Bye Dad bye Papa- I mean Sherlock!" I turned around to leave but I saw Papa smile before I left. I shut the door behind me and raced down the stairs to Ms. Hudson's door. I knocked two times then I heard some shuffling to the door.

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