Mirror Mirror

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Mirror Mirror on the wall
Who is the fairest of them all

I am a queen
No sea could measure to my land
Every person in the world
Bowing down at my command

I am a queen
As beautiful as beautiful can be
Ruling over a land
Envy of beauty

I am a queen
My hair a massive waterfall
As wavy as a flag in the air
Down past my arm
Its length unmatched by even the Eiffel tower

My eyes are a shiny green mysterious emerald jewel
My skin the soft white snow
My bright face mistaken for the moon
I smell sweet like my garden of rose

I am a queen
A red volcanic fire
Ruling over a land
With a fist of iron

I am a queen
An elegant flower
Breathtaking and fresh
Blooming with power

Feel the force of my voice
Penetrate your skin
As my powerful words
Start to sink in

Mirror Mirror On the wall
I'm a leader, gorgeous and above them all
My enormous land the Atlantic Sea
A queen the best there can be

So Mirror Mirror what
do you think of me

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2017 ⏰

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